What is/are your most recent TTRPG purchase(s)?


Most recent purchased where I have recieved the object:

Latest issue of a Swedish rpg-magazine. Before that the rulebook and 2 monsterbooks for the Swedish game "Chock: Åter från graven", which is a reimagining of the old game Chill 1e (it was translated and dom as "Chock" Here in Sweden. The Title of the new game translates as "Chock": back from the grave"). I bought the monsterbooks as I want a physical copy of the stuff I have helped proofread.

Latest purchased where I haven't recieved the object yet: "Scion 2e: Once and future"

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If we're counting dice, it was 17 seven-die polyhedral sets and 3 twelve-die d6 blocks. Eleven of the seven-die sets are reward for sticking with my health plan for the last four or five months, the rest were a new primary set with nicer dice as an early birthday present to myself.

In terms of actual RPGs, it was some TimeWatch books, Castle Falkenstein, AD&D 2nd Ed. core rules, Amber, and Classic Traveller (from my thread on what should be in your RPG collection).

Those were all PDFs. In terms of real books my last batch was Cyberpunk RED, Monster of the Week, and Alice is Missing. (the first two are also based on that thread).


Since I am starting a Cyberpunk Red campaign, I just got the Neo-Tribes and Night City sourcebooks from R. Talsorian Games. They're for a previous edition, but should still have plenty of good information.
FYI there is a big Cyberpunk bundle over at HB.



WotC President Runner-Up.
I recently went to my local Ollie's and was able to get in on the $3 campaign cases. I'm traditionally a theater of the mind player, but this weekend I'll be breaking out the grid for the first time!

To go along with that I nabbed the Dungeon Kit DM's screen off of Amazon for $15.

These are all pretty nice products. It's kind of weird because it's all half and half. For instance in the campaign cases. The tiles, and the monster chits are all really nice. The idea of the clings is weird however. I'm not sure if I'll bother with any of the terrain clings, they do not look good at all. I'll see how the monster ones work out. They are just reused art from the books, but seem to be better quality than the terrain clings.

The Dungeon Kit is also a mixed bag of quality. The screen is really nice. I mainly wanted a shorter screen so I'd be able to more easily reach over it to tend to the board. I really like the art on the player's side. It came with a bunch of cards to randomly generate dungeons, and I don't think I'd ever use them. For one thing I like drawing dungeons, and if I wasn't going to make my own I'd probably opt for DonJon or something instead. The status cards could be nice for my players, and let's see if I ever remember that I own them! It came with a nice little dry erase grid you can draw on. I can see it being nice for note keeping, tracking initiative, things like that. I don't see myself drawing dungeons on it however. It's a single, 100 square grid, and you only get one of them. Perhaps it will be nice to draw out a single room. You could play on it, I think. I'll probably just use it for notes. I would have preferred a couple more of these instead of the cards.

So these products are really strange. At their cores they are really nice. The screen, the tiles, the chits. But a lot of the stuff that comes with them feels half-assed. Like they needed to have more crap to justify the MSRPs they tried charging. The cases for instance retailed for $60, which is wild! At $20-$25.. Even $29.99 these would be reasonable. The Dungeon Kit, I think had an MSRP of $25 which is much more reasonable, but I think it would have been a way better value had they cut out all the superfluous cards and add-ons and just sold a nice, high quality screen on it's own, at a lower MSRP of $10-$15.

I mean, it ultimately works out for me, as I get ~$150 worth of product for ~$20. But this in turn is going to look like massive failures by WOTC/HASBRO and probably prevent them from trying again with products like these in the future. They really just need to focus on simpler, high quality products, and allow them to stand on their own rather than trying to pack in a bunch of "added value" to justify stupid prices.

In addition to the WOTC stuff, I also recently purchased Creature Codex by Kobold Press(I got the pocket edition+ PDF bundle) and the EnWorld LevelUp5E Monster book(In PDF). I haven't gotten a chance to use either of them yet, but I'm impressed by the quality of each, and I'm looking forward to incorporate these new critters into my games.
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WotC President Runner-Up.
My most recent purchases are still in the mail and haven't arrived yet, but they were:
  • Plane of Hate, from Sword & Sorcery Studios, for the d20 EverQuest RPG.
  • Nocturnum, from Fantasy Flight Games, for the d20 Call of Cthulhu RPG.
  • Munchkin Master's Guide, from Steve Jackson Games, for the d20 Munchkin RPG.
I love EverQuest,

I own the FreePort city book from this game and I really enjoyed thumbing through it. I never got a chance to play the TTRPG, and probably won't but I do appreciate the work they went through in trying to capture the feel of EQ into a TTRPG. I'd imagine someone who looked at the books with no experience in EQ would be surprised by the quests, and their repeatable nature. The way they try to work in a faction system as well is great. The lore and history they go into is so in depth as well.. I tried doing some research online and find some lore wikis even credit this RPG as a source lmao. I wonder where they got this information or if Sword and Sorcery even perhaps made up a lot of it?

Either way, I'd love to get a few more of these books, and I wish it had been successful enough to have warranted more being made.


I love EverQuest,

I own the FreePort city book from this game and I really enjoyed thumbing through it. I never got a chance to play the TTRPG, and probably won't but I do appreciate the work they went through in trying to capture the feel of EQ into a TTRPG. I'd imagine someone who looked at the books with no experience in EQ would be surprised by the quests, and their repeatable nature. The way they try to work in a faction system as well is great. The lore and history they go into is so in depth as well.. I tried doing some research online and find some lore wikis even credit this RPG as a source lmao. I wonder where they got this information or if Sword and Sorcery even perhaps made up a lot of it?

Either way, I'd love to get a few more of these books, and I wish it had been successful enough to have warranted more being made.
As someone who never played the online game I got the d20 Everquest PH and the two monster books and enjoyed them immensely. I played one game as a player in the d20 system and enjoyed it and used a number of the monsters in my 3e games. It is too bad the line is no longer available as PDFs.


Mod Squad
Staff member
What is the most recent TTRPG product you have purchased? No limits on what: book, PDF, dice, software, minis, whatever.

So, my most recent RPG purchase was a hat I ordered yesterday for a larp costume. But, that's not tabletop.

I think the most recent before that was a couple of sets of dice from Misty Mountain games?

Prior to that, I think my subscription to Syrinscape renewed? Or a dice box I ordered from DiceGoblinRiddles on Etsy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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