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What is the best Schtick you've ever...

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
I'm currently playing a warforged fighter on the L4W PbP here on ENWorld that's a cross between The Tick, Prince Charming, the droids from The Clone Wars, a lawful stupid paladin, Don Quixote, and HK47. He also has no internal monologue, so everything he thinks he says out loud without being aware he's doing so. Fun times.

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I had a world hopping viking wizard who would swear by gods not present on the world he was on.

"Tyr's severed hand!"

"Ymir's cloven skull!"

"Freyja's heaving bosom!"

"Niddhog's burning bile!"

Occasionally moving into other pantheons from worlds he'd been to.

"Lothian's blazing pyres!"


One PC in the group I DM now always gets any non-dwarf name incorrect. When he got wisdom drained in the cultists' temple the other PCs knew something was wrong when he started getting their names right.

Another PC plays an elf with a short attention span who will forget people as soon as they are out of sight. Including dead fellow PCs.


I bet John Lennon was quiet about the whole thing.
TarionzCousin said:
Oryan77 said:
Or the day her dad met all 4 of the Beatles at a gas station in Foster City California (in the late 80's).
This is true. I was there. They were all in separate cars and all needed gas at exactly the same time.

Despite telling him that they broke up and Lennon was killed before they (my wife's family) moved to the U.S., he still insists that he met the Beatles. It's a story that he's proud of and mentions often. I'm not sure what really happened that day. Maybe he met the Beetles.


First Post
My brother was playing the "token Evil guy" in a party of mostly Good PCs. As many threads attest, this can often go very wrong.

Instead, he made him "functionally" Evil.

He rolled a 3 for Charisma and it was 3.5 FR so he had regional feats to choose from. So he built a Lawful Evil Human Monk, scarred at birth by goblinoids that had tried to burn his home down with him in it after they murdered his family.
He picked the regional feat that gave him a bonus to killing goblinoids. And his primary purpose in life was to protect other races against "the goblinoid threat".
So he would viciously murder any goblins, hobs, or bugbears he could get his hands on and was generally a one-word-answer kind of guy when people talked to him. But he had no animosity at all towards other races or his fellow PCs. He would offer his opinion on the best (usually the most effective and brutally efficient) way to do something, but was content to respect the party's wishes when it came to getting things done.

I like how you rated this guy as Evil despite his only killing goblinoids-
Moral relativism is necessary for society, but it's good to have clarity of thought.

(says my 'harangue the masses/preacher' personality)
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First Post
One of the first NPCs I ever played was a dwarven barbarian (I always forgot to actually use his rage ability) who filled in the tank role for the party (the two players I had at the time were Wizard and Gish). He would always call anyone he killed with his dwarven axe an 'axe-face'.

In ADOM I once had a character who would beat his foes to death with corpses of the same monster whenever possible.

Lord Ipplepop

First Post
There was a Dwarf that was introduced into the group by stomping through the woods after his last group had- ostensibly- been decimated. Our party was strolling along the proverbial dirt road going point a to point b when we heard a low voice repeating, "trudge, trudge, trudge, f'n trudge". The next thing we knew this Dwarf came out of the woods.
That became his tag-line from then on (or was it her tag line? It's so hard to tell...)

Will Doyle

Great topic.

In D&D: a mindflayer imprisoned in a prisoner cell block, lashed to a wall with immovable shackles. Even though he couldn't move a muscle he was still the king of the hill, using his mental powers to subjugate all around him.

A drunkard lich, who got his kicks drinking the souls of the living. Slurry, stumbling, drunkenly impulsive, at times strangely jovial.

A gnome high priest of Ioun: a patron for the party who's in the middle of some crazy experiment every time they visit; e.g. swimming in a giant tank of water with an experimental breathing apparatus, speaking in a different language ever sentence, bouncing up and down on spring-heels as he gives their mission briefing, or whatever.

In a Call of Cthulhu game, the big bad - a Damien Thorn type - had a thing for one of the female PCs (heiress of an aeronautics empire). They'd wine and dine long before he was revealed as the villain, and even then, he still pined for her. So, his weakness was love.

Voidrunner's Codex

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