D&D General what is the worst race in dnd?

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Follower of the Way
how are walrus people even exotic they are just anthropomorphic animals not exotic, now a singular gestalt race would be exotic like the hunters from halo or the modular people(warning do not look up if body horror scares you)
Keep in mind, 5e thinks dragonborn and half-orcs and friggin' gnomes are "the true exotics." So yeah. The term is damn-near meaningless.

That said, I'll personally vote for dragonborn. Not the 3.5e version, which had a very specific explanation for what they were and where they came from, but the more generic 4E and 5E versions. They don't seem to have anything going for them beyond some sort of aesthetic about being "dragon people," which unto itself I've never seen the appeal of.
Literally every part of this analysis makes me sad, because I couldn't possibly disagree more.

They do look like dragons to me, and indeed I'm quite fond of their look. Whether they have tails or not is pretty irrelevant to me. Wings are a special bonus some dragonborn might develop, but most don't. And the special thing about them is the friggin' Arkhosian Empire and its wonderful, tragic history, and all the physiological and sociological information we get about them.

I just think dragons are great. You can check out Overly Sarcastic Productions' "Trope Talk: Dragons" video if you want to know why. TL;DR though is: dragons are awesome in nearly every culture in human history the world over. There's SOMETHING draconic in essentially every culture ever, and it always means a connection to power. Sometimes benevolent, sometimes malevolent. Sometimes elegant, sometimes savage. Sometimes divine, sometimes monstrous. Being a dragon-person means getting the foot in the door on that. Dragonborn society is still built on the need to realize that potential--to forge a name, a legacy for yourself--but there's such enormous, tantalizing potential there simply by being dragonborn.

There are 3 types of people in the world. Those that can do math and those that cannot do math.
There are two types of people in the world: those who cannot extrapolate from incomplete data

Yeah, Dracons were pretty cool, wish they had made their way into nuSpelljammer.

View attachment 268333
I mean...that's literally just a silver dragonborn with a reptiloid centaur body. (Tails have already become a "some have it, some don't" trait in the fanbase. Consider (spoilered for size):
That head and face look essentially identical to the art you linked, so the only real difference is two legs vs four (and tail, if that's a difference you consider significant.)

I mean...that's literally just a silver dragonborn with a reptiloid centaur body. (Tails have already become a "some have it, some don't" trait in the fanbase. Consider (spoilered for size):
That head and face look essentially identical to the art you linked, so the only real difference is two legs vs four (and tail, if that's a difference you consider significant.)

Keep in mind that I was talking about a product that included yet another type of elf. I don't think another dragonborn adjacent option is a big ask.


Can't speak for your table, but at mine natural 1s produce more entertainment than any other dice roll.
'Entertainment'. That's why Luck for everyone. If it's positive entertainment, they won't use the luck to fix it. IF it's just going to make your character look like a goober as they die, they can slay the dice.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Volo’s 5e Orc is worse though. One of two races with a stat penalty, and a racial ability that is extremely situational, they were just bad.
I must be the only person on the planet who liked Aggressive. It was great for my War Cleric to get close enough to actually use Cure Wounds on allies!


It's more like the barely contained contempt with which the races and their abilities were presented with.

Also the idea that an entire people are naturally aggressive. That's going into Gully Dwarf and Vistani BS.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
It's more like the barely contained contempt with which the races and their abilities were presented with.

Also the idea that an entire people are naturally aggressive. That's going into Gully Dwarf and Vistani BS.
Well granted, but I mean, they'd already told us that all Halflings are Brave, all Gnomes are Cunning, and all Half-Orcs are Menacing, Relentless, and Savage, and nobody seemed to mind that at the time.

Heck, even now, all Kender are Fearless.


Well granted, but I mean, they'd already told us that all Halflings are Brave, all Gnomes are Cunning, and all Half-Orcs are Menacing, Relentless, and Savage, and nobody seemed to mind that at the time.

Heck, even now, all Kender are Fearless.
Kender are actually magically fearless though, so they get a pass.

Halfling brave is a crock though, and no gnome has ever shown cunning.

Voidrunner's Codex

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