What magic items would you suggest for a radiant weapon wielder?


I just turned 22nd level and decided to re-tweak my snowman bow elven ranger. I replaced his frost bow with a radiant bow.

Obviously I'm looking at the Gifts Of The Queen (AV2 p. 115) item set, especially the Ring from that set, but I think I'll only get the ring.

What other magic items improve the radiant weapon wielder?

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Shin Okada

Right. My bad.

For a PEN AND PAPER D&D 4th ed game, what would you guys suggest?

Siberys Shard of Radiance is a magic item in Eberron Player's Guide. Though that book is a book for Eberron, it is also considered to be part of the core rules, at least most of the rule materials not strictly specific to Eberron. Dragonshard Augments are just magic items which everyone can use. So that will be OK, I guess.

There's the dragonshard +1/+3/+5 damage with radiant attacks (EPG) which was already mentioned, if you can put radiant vulnerability on the target Symbol of Divine Light which increases the vulnerabilty by 5 (AV2), remember you need prof. with Holy Symbols to use it.

If you want maximun gain out of the radiant keyword go for radiant mafia but that's party optimization.


if you can put radiant vulnerability on the target Symbol of Divine Light which increases the vulnerabilty by 5 (AV2), remember you need prof. with Holy Symbols to use it.

Even though my attack is whit a bow???

FYI, I took the Cleric multiclass feat along with the epic feat that makes targets grant combat advantage.

Even though my attack is whit a bow???

FYI, I took the Cleric multiclass feat along with the epic feat that makes targets grant combat advantage.

It doensn't matter what you use for your attack but it works only within 5 squares which is probably more or less of a concern for you.


It doensn't matter what you use for your attack but it works only within 5 squares which is probably more or less of a concern for you.

It's not at all. I always go toe to toe with my targets to get the (now) +2 to hit from prime shot. I cranked my OA defenses up the wazoo, so their attack always misses me, and sometimes the fighter's mark kicks in.

Thanks a lot bud, I'll look it up!

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