D&D 5E What new linages do you want?

Paul Smart

Hello everyone.

What would you make if you were allowed to create a new linage for the 5th edition? I would create a dog person. We have many cat people; we need dog people to balance things out.

If Wizards of the Coast wanted to be more daring, they could create a way for you to choose your animal person. Expand on the Simic Hybrid; you want a cat-type person, choose claws and a natural stealth skill, dog you get a bite and a pack tactic-type skill. Lizard or insect, you get tough skin and ?. Fish get a swim speed and ?. You are a Canadian like me and want to play a beaver. We got you covered with giant teeth and natural engineering skills. Bird, you get wings. Want a burrow speed? We got that too. If you want a hybrid, choose one talent from collum A and one skill from B. Have an idea for an awakened animal? Step right up. We got you covered.

I would also like an ooze-type creature, it is nothing we have ever had before, and I think it would be neat.

An actual tiny linage and a giant linage would also be nice. Then I can play a sprite or a half-giant.

Let your imagination run wild; what would you create if you had the chance.

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I have my own homebrewed cactus people that I love (based on needlemen from the 1E Fiend Folio and the Cactacae from Mieville's Bas-Lag books. I call them Cactoi. (Edit: Just posted them in a different thread for those interested).

But something like that would be cool.

In general though, I prefer just the basic lineages in my humanocentric games and don't even allow Dragonborn (swapped them for Lizardfolk) and generally discouraged things like tieflings - though I make one-off exceptions (as in my current game).
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The plasmoid from the recent UA are very cool. My wife is excited to play a “slime girl”.

She also wants to play a toy person, which I think the Autognome should generally satisfy.

Her number 3 pick is a plant person of some kind. I concur.

For me, a canine race makes sense for all the dog/wolf fans.

Hengeyokai in 4e had a bunch of varieties to choose from, but they might need to be called soemthing else. I don’t know if the D&D hengeyokai are a good representation of the concept from Japanese folklore, or not.

Something like the 4e Wilden. Part plant, part animal, part primal spirit.

Just sapient talking animals.

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