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what races in your fantasy?


in my primary campaign world -
the only demihumans are elves (5), dwarves (2) and halflings(1) + humans (11)
all of these have been played, + an assimar, a tiefling, and an alternate prime human.

In the green isles -
Stouts, elves, hairfeet, 1/2 orcs, tallfellows (human)

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My homebrew is a blend of other settings that have come before, inspiration from novels as well as videogames, and a bit or my own (admitedly limited) creativity.

All of my races have base stats (as normal PHB-style races) as well a one or two (or 14 for humans) Racial Class levels.


Dwer'marc: Warforged. No racial classes made... yet.

Elf: My elves all have at least one level in one of the following Racial Classes. All elves are Fey-type.
*Av'el'dorei: Ye old generic Elf. With wings. And unrivaled mastery of Arcane magic.
*Kal'dorei: The Elves of Deep Shadow. Elves tainted by the Darkness that Waits, blessed (or cursed?) with Shadow-powers... (not too unlike those given form the Shade template)
*Ly'thar'dorei: Elven Shifters.


Khajiit: Based on the Suthay Khajiit of Morrowind fame. Powerful tiger-men known for thier cunning and ruthless efficiency in battle. On rare occasion a power Khajiit is born that is possessed of great Evil, wicked power, and the deformity of "reversed hands".

Man: Humans, the underdogs of the Seven Ages. It is worth noting that during the 4th Age (default setting of Homebrew, there are Seven Ages in total) that the Empires of Man are ruled by the God-Kings. Human characters may manifest abilities in relation to a specific God-King... or the generic abilities of a "normal" Paragon Human. Either way, humans with Racial levels are rare among the NPCs. There are 13 God-Kings in total.

Nothrog: Said to be descended from Men. The Nothrog Horde is quite possibly the greatest threat to the combined might of Men during the 4th Age. (Mechanically, picture Orcs who are living Ghouls, who create undead ghouls from those they feast upon. :D ~ Nothrog only show up as monsters or in evil parties. There is no "Drizt-Do'Nothrog)

Other Racial Levels~

Forsaken: Undead PCs.

Jotunbrud: 1/2 Ogres and other Giantkin.

Planetouched: This one hurt my head, still not 100% finished. Replaces tieflings, aasimar, 1/2 celestial, and 1/2 fiends.

Weretouched: Eberron Shifters as a 3-level Racial Class that can be taken by most of the other base races. The Racial class is modular enough to account for each of the Shifter types.

(post underconstruction... my laptop recently fried... damn PoS, anyways, lost alot of notes.)
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Hrm, stretching my brain back over the past few years I've seen about 1/2 humans, a fair number of half-orcs, halflings, a couple of elves, a dwarf or two and no gnomes. The lawn ornaments just get no loving.

Of course, since I've been playing in Scarred Lands and there really ARE no gnomes, then that might explain it. :p


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Aus_Snow said:
Scarred Lands has increased appeal, all of a sudden. :p
Indeed, in any of my campiagn settings (well, other than FR) gnomes are simply magical little fey harkening back to their old legends and folktales.


Gez said:
Now, are they like their Elder Scrolls inspiration?
Because they're very interesting. Seventeen different shapes depending on the phases of the moons at their birth, ranging from fully elven to fully cattish... The seventeenth breed being unique and appearing only when a third moon appears...
I just use the Suthay-raht form, the one from Morrowind. D&D stats are based on the catfolk humanoid race from the Minatures Handbook.

The catlike khajiit hail from scattered islands in the Serpent Archipelago, where they live in relative isolation and harmony with the natural world. For several centuries they have endured raids from Tiamni slavers, and rumors abound of khajiit breeding programs in the Imperium. Some khajiit, curious about the world beyond, travel to Eriador and mingle with humanity. Though exotic and strange to humans, none can deny their talent for survival or their burning curiosity about lands other than their own.

Most khajiit are addicted to a substance they call moon sugar, which is prepared from a plant that grows in select places throughout the Serpent Archipelago. A khajiit under the effects of moon sugar is usually languid and serene, given to congeniality and playfulness. A khajiit going through withdrawals from the effects of moon sugar is terse and jumpy, and willing to do almost anything to secure a new supply of the drug.

Moon sugar has spiritual significance to the khajiit. They claim that it allows them to speak with the spirits of dead ancestors, and to look deep at the world around them. Khajiit artisans, artists, magicians, and shamans all claim that moon sugar facilitates the inspiration for their work. Younglings are not allowed to consume moon sugar until their Day of Becoming, when they cross to adulthood in a special ceremony in which they consume the drug for the first time, and in which the community celebrates the visions produced by that first consumption of the drug. Moon sugar has no documented effect on other races, except that it gives gnomes splitting headaches.

Khajiit speak their own tongue, and often learn the language native to the region they explore.


• +4 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom. Khajiit are graceful and compelling, but impulsive.
• A khajiit’s base land speed is 40 feet.
• Khajiit have a base climb speed of 20 feet. They gain a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks, and use either their Strength modifier or their Dexterity modifier, whichever is higher. They can always choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened when climbing. If a khajit chooses an accelerated climb (see the Climb skill in the Player’s Handbook), she moves at a speed of 30 feet and makes a single Climb check each round at a –5 penalty.
• Low-Light Vision: A khajiit can see twice as far as a normal human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
• +2 racial bonus on Listen and Sneak checks. A khajiit is alert and stealthy by nature.
• Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d4) and bite (1d3).
• Scent: A khajiit may take the Scent feat at 1st level if she chooses. A khajiit may not take the Scent feat after 1st level. Some khajiit have a highly attuned sense of smell, some do not.
• Moon sugar addiction: The vast majority of khajiit are addicted to this substance, which has mystical significance to their culture. A khajiit under the effect of moon sugar is more attuned to her surroundings than normal, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to Listen and Spot checks for 12 hours per dose of the drug. A khajiit who has not consumed moon sugar for 48 hours temporarily loses 2 points of Dexterity and Wisdom as she begins to undergo the effects of withdrawal. If a khajiit does not consume moon sugar within 72 hours, she temporarily loses an additional 4 points of Dexterity and Wisdom as she becomes increasingly erratic and neurotic. After six days without the drug, withdrawal symptoms will begin to fade, but the khajiit suffers 2 points of permanent damage to Dexterity and Constitution. Furthermore, if the khajiit comes into contact with moon sugar in the future, she must make a DC 15 Will save or begin consuming the drug again. A khajiit arcane spellcaster who is under the effects of moon sugar withdrawal cannot gain a restful-enough sleep to regain spells.
• Automatic Languages: Regional human language (usually Arbonnesse, Eloi, Genovan, or Tiamni) and Khajiit. Bonus Languages: Giant, Kuo-toa, Regional human language (Arbonnesse, Eloi, Genovan, or Tiamni) and Shissar. Khajiit sometimes learn the tongues of their closest allies and enemies.
• Favored Class: Scout. A multiclass khajiit’s scout class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing (see XP for multiclass characters, page 60 of the Player’s Handbook).
• Level Adjustment: +1. Khajiit are slightly more powerful and gain levels more slowly than most other races of Eriador. See the Monsters as Races discussion in Chapter 6 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.[/sblock]


First Post
Something I’ve noticed

I seem to require far more of a backstory from non-human characters than I do from human ones. In other words, I would expect an elf, dwarf, or halfling to have a far “more interesting” reason to take up spell and sword than I would for human characters.

I’m not sure if this expectation is because of, or the cause of, our current human-dominant parties. But I've never had a complaint about it.

For NPCs, I use just about everything (within an appropriate regional context) except for gnomes. I... Don’t “do” gnomes.


First Post
Right now, I'm looking at my homebrew world only including humans, elves, dwarves and gnolls* as playable races. Nothing else.

* For PC gnolls, I'm considering using the variant from Hamunaptra or the stats for sibeccai from Arcana Evolved. The standard Monster Manual gnolls would be members of a cult that have undergone a ritual in worship of their demon-lord, while the PC variant is the true everyday gnoll.

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