What RPGObjects Book Should I Get?


First Post
I've just finished some freelance work for RPGObjects (http://www.rpgobjects.com), and as a result, I now have a good chunk of product credit--at least enough for one book, if not two.

So, I ask any of you who have experience with them--what book (and/or books) should I get?

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Personally, I really enjoyed the King Arthur book (legends of excalibur) but that depends on getting players that like that setting idea. Same with the upcoming legends of the samurai, I would imagine.


First Post
Particle_Man said:
Personally, I really enjoyed the King Arthur book (legends of excalibur) but that depends on getting players that like that setting idea.

Yep, it sure was a good game. :)


First Post
I have to admit, I'm seriously tempted towards Blood & Fists, if just to run a completely nonserious off-the-wall wire-fu badly-dubbed-Japanese-movie game.


Registered User
Anything Blood and Guts, if you like military modern. Anything Blood and Space if you like space future. Anything Darwin's World if you like Fallout-flavored post apocalyptic goodness.

Really, I've never bought a product of theirs I didn't like, but the Darwin's World II stuff is my favorite.


sukael said:
I have to admit, I'm seriously tempted towards Blood & Fists, if just to run a completely nonserious off-the-wall wire-fu badly-dubbed-Japanese-movie game.

Blood and Fists is their hallmark project AFAIAC.


I got dice older than you.
Particle_Man said:
Personally, I really enjoyed the King Arthur book (legends of excalibur) but that depends on getting players that like that setting idea.
I second this. It's a good game/book.

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