D&D (2024) What Spells do you feel are Missing?


So running a couple summer 5E games for players I don't normally game with..... Nearly all the players are the "by the books" type: they think the whole game is only yhe couple things published by WotC. So when they made their characters, they picked from the offical WotC list of spells.

I have a massive collection of spells for 5E, from third party sources, converted from other editions, and homebrew. During character creation, only the players I already knew even looked at my list and/or asked for spell recommendations.

So the games start. All the NPC spellcasters in my games use some spells from the big list. I like my spellcasters to have lots of useful spells. And the players start to notice. While my NPC spellcasters nearly always have a spell to cast to solve a problem or do something....often the players sit there not having their characters spellcasting for hours. Mostly as the character has few, or none, spells to cast that can "do" anything.

I do offer to let the players switch spells around....and they show some interest. But have the problem of what spells to pick. The list is 5,000 some spells long, so it's a bit of a hard read.

I'd try to make recommendations, but I'm not on the same wavelength as most of these players. I think Animate Dirt is a very useful spell, as it gives you a small non combat 'dirt' elemental-like effect: but my players laugh at the spell. Friendly Fire summons a freindly fire elemental to be a 'camp fire' that can do small things like guard the camp: but my players think it's dumb. At the same time though.... They love the spell, from 3.5E Spider Hand: your hand falls off and becomes a spider you can control and move around. They also really liked the even older spell from 2E Know Customs: it lets a cleric know the local customs. So it leaves me at a loss as to what they "like".

I tried to ask and did not get much of any answer. I sent out an e-mail, but only have some of he players e-mails. And only a few responded anyway. I want to make a handout "Uncle Trapsnapper's book of useful spells", but need some spells to put in it.

So, internet, what spells do you think are missing from 5E? What spells would you find useful on an adventure? If you have a set spell from some place other then a WotC book, what is it? But more so, beyond just a "spell description", what type of vague magical effect do you wish there was a spell for?

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None. There are too many spells in the core lists already. My preferred style of play is using very small spell lists (like classic B/X D&D with 12 spells per level for magic-users and 8 spells per level for clerics), and then allowing characters to "find" non-standard spells as they play.

So, no, I don't think any spells are "missing", instead we have way way way way too many.


What spells will be useful in your campaign? Give out a few scrolls for the players to see them in action and find a use for them.

I also find it hard to go through 5000 spells to see what would be handy.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Acid Fog.
Cone of Fire
Polar Ray
Shadow Conjuration
Shadow Evocation
Defenestrating Sphere
Armor of Darkness
Great Thunderclap


None. There are too many spells in the core lists already. My preferred style of play is using very small spell lists (like classic B/X D&D with 12 spells per level for magic-users and 8 spells per level for clerics), and then allowing characters to "find" non-standard spells as they play.

So, no, I don't think any spells are "missing", instead we have way way way way too many.
We have to few spells actually,
There are 3 or 4 spells per level that everyone defaults to, and truckload of garbage tier spells.

Would be nice to get spell options of different damage types. I'm lucky and my DM lets me pick the damage type of the spell to suit the characters theme when I first select it (as in no changing the damage type once it's picked). However more 'raw' DM's and adventures league won't allow that.

I'd also like true polymorph to get split into two spells. The turning enemies into things to remove them as a threat, and the turning yourself into something to fight as should be two separate things.


There are a ton of weird utility and offbeat combat spells from past editions that could be brought forward, like Aunty's Bath, Arrowflight, Cool Strength, etc.

I think that at the very minimum there needs to be at least 2 spells of each spell school for each spell level, that are available to wizards. (2 divination spells for each spell level, for instance.) If those spells are appropriate for other classes, great!

Currently, there are Wizard school subclasses that when they gain a level, they don't have the ability to select a single spell of their preferred school.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Not combat spells. If anything, I'd strip those way back and just allow players to reflavor those by various means.

What D&D does need, IMO, are spells like in Metal Weave Games' Incantations sourcebook, which allow all characters (through a form of ritual casting) to do things like create a place safe from scrying, create a dream space where characters can perform downtime actions without having time advance in the real world, imbuing mounts with magical abilities, creating planar gateways or linking unconnected doorways together across long distances, etc.

But I also don't think one can make players try new stuff if they're not interested in it. I don't get why some people want to stick with WotC content only (especially as many of them complain about the quality or lack of variety in that content), but they exist.

Maybe just get a copy of Incantations or Kobold Press' Deep Magic and let them look at the books for themselves.
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