What Spells Would a Commoner Want?


Spells in the game serve a purpose, which usually involves combat. But even in a magical world adventurers are a tiny minority. How much of the magic in D&D is totally useless to a non-hero? What spells would actually benefit the average man (or dwarf or halfling or whatever) in the street? If you owned a grocery store in Greyhawk or sold shoes inFreeport what types of magic would you want to purchase?

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Spells in the game serve a purpose, which usually involves combat. But even in a magical world adventurers are a tiny minority. How much of the magic in D&D is totally useless to a non-hero? What spells would actually benefit the average man...

Enlarge. iykwimaityd.

edit: in other words open up any magazine, turn on any commercial, or read any web ad. what are they selling to the "average" person.
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I'd think anything that provides food and water. Spells that carry large loads of goods. Spells that remove stones from fields or blasts tree stumps. Spells that instantly transport people or goods. Maybe some spells that dig holes and clean as well.

I'd imagine, for non-heroes, Create Water and Purify Food/Drink would be the most purchased among land-holders. Control Weather for merchants at sea for favorable conditions while sailing.

I think Mend would be an extremely popular spell. But there should also be spells for things like aiding the delivery of babies, increasing the fertility of livestock, checking inventory in a shop, and other practical things that have nothing to do with adventuring. Most gamers will say "so what?", but to me, seeing things like this would add to the verisimilitude of the game...

Most gamers will say "so what?", but to me, seeing things like this would add to the verisimilitude of the game...
I agree, and I also think that we'd all be surprised by the creative uses adventurers would come up with for such spells. But even if they existed merely to add flavor to the campaign world, they'd be worth it IMO.

Mending, Grease, Item, Reduce, Enlarge

Anything that creates practical items

Any cures, healing or protection spells

Anything that boosts someone's ability to do manual labor- so the physical buffs

Any buffers to mental stats to improve decision making and dealings with others

True Strike- for hunting- plus other divinations to help people find lost objects, people or livestock

The above and charm person. Especially handy for merchants hawking their wares.

Alarm to protect valuables. Alter Self to make your tattered clothes look rich. Light to save on candles and such. Ghost sound or phantasmal image could be used for entertainment/story hour. Mage hand for chores while you relax.

Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Wizard Eye, X-ray vision, Charm Person and Fool's Gold for the less moralistically bent.

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