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What was the best moment of Gen Con for you?


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Mine was meeting Jonathan Tweet. In 1994, it was Ars Magica (which he co-created) that got me back into roleplaying after far too long, and it was hearing that he was part of the Third Edition design team that got me interested in playing D&D again. I think I failed to express to him even one percent of my gratitude and respect, but just getting the chance to try was an incredible experience for me.

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First Post
I can agree, Mr Tweet would be someone I'd like to meet one day.

Mine was Keith Baker, as I was only there on Thursday, and spent most that time cruising the Dealer's Room. It was cool he recognized me by my Buddy Christ avatar (everybody loves Jesus!) and he was a really cool guy. I hope to meet MANY more next year, as I plan to spend all 4 days there next time (damn work conflicts :mad: )


I got dice older than you.
Getting to read at the Knights of the Dinner Table Live Reading....twice!

Getting to see WarGolem and May again. I hope this is a tradition that continues until we're all too old to make the trip. :D

Meeting ButterCup in person. Folks, she's even cooler in real life!
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First Post
Sadly I haven't been in a couple years, but my best GenCon moment was at GC 2000.

Since the event we signed up for was cancelled, on a whim my friend and I dropped in on a Star Wars LARP to use up some of our generic tickets.

Special guest star for the larp? Anthony Daniels as C-3PO :D


As last year, mine was hanging out with all the great folks I know online - the fellow judges and ennies staff, Buttercup, ENPub folks, XRP folks, & all the various ENworlders that joined in our little get togethers. It was great meeting with you guys again (or for the first time), and I'll miss those of you who won't be there next year.


Wow. I don't know if I can pick. I got to chat for a while with Ed Greenwood and Rich Burlew (separately) which was a really great experience. I had a blast in the True Dungeon, which I highly recommend to everyone. Meeting the Dead Gentlemen guys was great too; I got them to sign my "The Gamers" shirt and the new Dead Camper Lake DVD. They're really cool guys.

It was incredible to meet all of you guys. You're all just as nice in person as you are on the boards. I can't wait to see you again next year.


First Post
one of many

One favorite moment huh? well, my most inspiring Gen Con moment was the "Writing for Wizards," and the "Writing for Dragon," seminars. Some friends and i are gathering our resources and are sending in some queries to Dragon. I'm sure we'll get rejected but that's all a part of the process.
Anyway, yeah, that was my most inspiring moment(s).
amongst my other favorites include; getting somes awesome signatures (including J.D. Wiker's, Rodney Thompson's and Stan!'s), meeting so many of the movers and shakers in the industry, True Dungeon, Heidi the message woman, Garry and his Midnight game, The Ennies, and of course getting to spend time with my beautiful girlfriend. :)
mik (the tall, thin guy with a shaved head)
aka Archon


My favorite moment had to be when my halfling sorcerer was trampled to death by the Warforged Titan.

Second favorite: almost beating one of the top players in the miniatures tournament (hey man, don't mess with me and my Gauth).

Third favorite: watching Gamers (the movie) for the first time.


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