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What we're all waiting for...full frontal nudity!!


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It doesn't come up often in my campaign but I don't try to avoid it - it just doesn't come up often.

Recently, it did in one of the Savage Tide adventures - Enemy of my Enemy.

The requirement to have an audience with the Queen of Succubi in the buff raised a few eyebrows but the players were more concerned about going into a situation without equipment than about the nudity itself.

One character went completely nude, stating to the others just how ridiculous it was going into the audience with only sword and shield and helmet and boots on, which the other characters were going to do (having something on your feet, your hands or your head was allowed).

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When I was running a game back in '92 I had an isolated village of nude tree-dwelling nature worshippers. One of them (a female, of course) ended up joining the party as an NPC, where she eventually adapted to wearing clothing and armor, though not without some rather comical moments.

However, I was 16 at the time.

Since then, I can't say I've had that many naked characters in my games outside of the one time a PC was the subject of an assassination attempt while relaxing in the palace baths.


Other than the occassional "bathing in the river/lagoon/waterfall" scene, it's never really come up in any of my games. And it's been a long time since I've had one of those gratuitious bathing scenes, mainly because I'm older and see how silly they are, but also because most of the female PCs these days are played by actual females.


I did have one High School game where "Lets run around naked in the woods" was shorthand for "we give up and have no remaining plans of any worth."
After it was suggested as a way for 2 comely female characters to distract yuan-ti guards.
It surprisingly did not devolve into a discussion of if YT's disliked body hair, and how much effort the two women would put into making accommodations.

my current game is more prudish.


My Barbarian had assassin raid his room in the Inn, while he was naked and sleeping with the character of the DM's girlfriend. Odd that.

Lucky I woke up and dispatched them with the short sword he kept under the pillow for such eventualities.


Nifft said:
Where do you get naked minis?

Thanks, -- N

Probablly Foundry or HasselFree Minis (which has lots). Unfortunatelly I have seen far more of them than those. Never been in the market for them, but in the process of looking for just the right mini you come across some interesting galleries.

EDIT: Needless to say these may not be work or grandma appropriate, depending on how you feel about (somewhat) poorly proportioned teeny tiny bits of metal shaped like nekked people.
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Rafael Ceurdepyr

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I was discussing this thread with a friend and thinking, "Oh this is ridiculous." Then I remembered my namesake PC's naked experience. Oh dear.

This was fairly early on in the Leviathan campaign, where the PCs were maybe 3rd level or so. It had previously been established that Raef slept naked. And so he was when he was awakened by an attack by an imp. He ended up, unarmed, being chased all over the house by that stupid imp, was stung several times, and ended up unconscious on the kitchen floor trying to stab the imp with a knife.

*Not* Raef's most dashing moment.


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It comes up frequently in the games I've played or DMed....

though there was this one time that I liked...this was under 2nd ed with specialty priests.

In an underground temple under a glacier dedicated to a white queen aspect goddess there was a huge and deep pool of icy water. The corridor ended at the pool and picked up again on the other side. The priests were immune to natural cold and could cross nude without any problems other than getting wet.

We were low level and had to use spikes and ropes to cross. Needless to say the priests attacked when half our party was on one side with a couple people in the middle....the priest/ess were nude. The players dangling by ropes over the water eventually fell in and had to deal with cold effects...I think we used 1st edition wilderness survival guide for the affects...can't remember....

What I do remember is the surrealness of fighting priestess with THO and the priests that weren't being affected like the guy characters...who felt like their parts wanted to suck back into their own bodies...burrr....


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STARP_Social_Officer said:
It occurred to me the other day how often the PCs in my group, no matter who's DMing, tend to end up nude. Witness:

Does this happen to anybody else, or do we need to seek some professional help?

Well, my swashbuckler, was caught with nothing on when the rich father found me in his daughter's room on a beautiful spring morning. I barely grabbed my pants and sword and jumped out of the 2nd story window of their villa. Only to be chased by guards all the way through their rose gardens and over a wall. I'm not sure how far away I was before I managed to put my pants back on.

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