Don't try to mix real-world items with game items - that way madness lies.
Physics, society, economy (especially economy!).
Physics, society, economy (especially economy!).
I've never liked the pseudo-medieval type world for D&D, unless it's low magic.
As Arthur C. Clarke said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". You pick your level of magic available in your world and find a similar technology level you want it to simulate.
I usually go with a pre industrial type society so we're talking 18th/19th century. Sure, you have monarchies still around, but other forms of government are also taking shape. I tend to go with some more modern type of morals and sensibilities as well.
Yes, just like in real life the only possible society is locked in a power struggle between doctors and engineers.There are really only two paths for a "real D&D society," due to the way people behave and believe. It comes down to a power struggle between practitioners of magic versus those of "the faith," and I'm inclined to believe the later would gain popular support.
Its been mentioned, but Eberron differs from generic fantasy world no. X in several important ways other than actually treating magic logically.No one mentioned Eberron yet?