What "support" do you need? More "stuff" for your 2014 Warlock? The current amount of "stuff" for the 2014E Warlock is not enough for you? You can't make any more 2014E Warlocks because you've run through everything?
we will start with yeah new warlock stuff but also new bard stuff.
right now pact magic is the biggest canary in the cole mine, but the inspiration mechanic for bards changed too, so new rules (subclass, magic, feats, items, and adventures) will all use not pact magic and new bard inspire. Right now we know that wildshape is being redone again, but as of last we saw it that was very different too.
each change is something no longer being supported going forward.
I started my own thread about spell lists, but in '14 books bards and warlocks both got spells wizards didin't. When new spells come out they list if they are bard, or warlock or both or wizard or 2 of the 3 or all 3... new ones will just list arcane and people useing the 2014 books will need to house rule who gets it.
Well then... maybe you just need to make up your own "stuff" then. Create some more "stuff" with your DM so that you both are good with the new "stuff" your 2014E Warlock can use.
just like if we played a 4e game, or if matt is running his 1e game.
Or just take some of the "stuff" from the 2024E Warlock and a few minutes of time to nudge it so that the 2014E Warlock can also use it.
just like if we played a 4e game, or if matt is running his 1e game.
But yes... whatever it ends up being... you will indeed have to do this yourself. You won't have WotC doing any of this for you going forward anymore.
so you agree going forward the new PHB will be the default and supported and only the parts that interact the same with the old phb will not need to be redone... aka not supported going forward.
But that's just what happens when new rules are created. The rules creators no longer create stuff for the old stuff and if anyone wants to keep playing the old stuff, they just have to do the work themselves. Or at least in this internet-age... scour the internet for other people who have done the work for you to create new old stuff and you can just use that.
so just like an edition change.
The game is moving on from the 2014E Warlock. Like it or not. So while it's fine to spend all your time bemoaning this fact and hoping against hope that WotC won't move on (which-- spoiler alert-- is not going to happen, they most definitely are moving to the 2024E Warlock)... your time might better be suited starting to work out for yourself just how much "support" you think a 2014E Warlock might need in a 2024E game and put your energy towards creating that stuff instead.
I am not 'bemoaning' so stop it. That is BS you are adding to try to insult the argument. I am explaining. SOmeone else pointed out I get singled out for having girl in my name, would you have called hammerMAN 'bemoaning' or is this just a woman being emotional?
I was asked what made it a new edition, I am explaining and instead of addressing the explanation (that you seem to agree with it is not being supported going forward) you are accusing me of 'bemoaning' the fact that I am pointing out.