D&D 5E What would you play in this party? How would you optimize the character?


The party consists of the following classes:

Moon druid
Scout rogue
Gloom stalker ranger

I’m thinking wizard, cleric or sorcerer.

If I go wizard, I’ll go either dwarf abjuror, elf bladesinger, or halfling diviner.

If I go cleric, I’ll go arcana or tempest. Maybe life, but I doubt it. (I do play a cleric in a different campaign, so I’m not really feeling this option as much, but it is one of my favorite classes)

If I go sorcerer, I’ll either be a divine sorcerer, draconic, or wild magic.

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Sorcerer or Wizard.
Wizard is better for wider area of play, not only fights as Sorcerer is (imho).
Cleric is almost doubling druid with healing spells and some buffs.

My point od view is only about which wizard :D Halfling diviner is something I wanna play to - get bountiful luck or lucky feats and it's nice gamechanger before use any spell :D

Li Shenron

My instinct would be to play an arcane spellcaster, Wizard or Sorcerer or Warlock or Bard, depending on what idea comes up at the moment, or picking an archetype I haven't played before.

The interesting thing about the current party is that they actually don't necessarily miss anything, and they have duplicates in each group function. For melee, they have the Paladin and Druid, for ranged I suppose at least one between the Rogue and the Ranger will focus on that. They have 2 classes that scout and explore very well, and 2 that heals. To round up the party capabilities, the arcane caster is the obvious choice, maybe focusing on mobility spells (fly, teleport) and area-of-effects. But it's not like this is an absolute necessity.

The Paladin is a bit of an oddity in this group. The other 3 are going to be probably very good at Stealth, but the Paladin is unlikely. When everyone is good at Stealth, you can switch to full-party sneaking rather than having one or two scout forward and the rest stay in the back.


My instinct would be to play an arcane spellcaster, Wizard or Sorcerer or Warlock or Bard, depending on what idea comes up at the moment, or picking an archetype I haven't played before.

The interesting thing about the current party is that they actually don't necessarily miss anything, and they have duplicates in each group function. For melee, they have the Paladin and Druid, for ranged I suppose at least one between the Rogue and the Ranger will focus on that. They have 2 classes that scout and explore very well, and 2 that heals. To round up the party capabilities, the arcane caster is the obvious choice, maybe focusing on mobility spells (fly, teleport) and area-of-effects. But it's not like this is an absolute necessity.

The Paladin is a bit of an oddity in this group. The other 3 are going to be probably very good at Stealth, but the Paladin is unlikely. When everyone is good at Stealth, you can switch to full-party sneaking rather than having one or two scout forward and the rest stay in the back.
That’s an interesting observation.

the paladin and my character are the last to join the group.

i was originally thinking sorcerer, as nobody had charisma, but the paladin can probably handle being the face.

I’m really leaning towards wizard now too. The rituals will be very useful. If I go bladesinger, I’ll have some defense so I can participate in melee if I want or need to.

I’m sure nabbing invisibility will really help if we need to hide the paladin.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I'd probably favor warlock. You could use a Cha oriented character, you could use ranged attacks, and you have another party member that's strongly oriented around short rests (the moon druid).


As long as i get to be the frog
That’s an interesting observation.

the paladin and my character are the last to join the group.

i was originally thinking sorcerer, as nobody had charisma, but the paladin can probably handle being the face.

I’m really leaning towards wizard now too. The rituals will be very useful. If I go bladesinger, I’ll have some defense so I can participate in melee if I want or need to.

I’m sure nabbing invisibility will really help if we need to hide the paladin.

For effectiveness in that party I would say Wizard or Bard.

Honorable Mention: Caster Warlock, Sorcerer

Not as good for your party but I like Charisma focused Paladins and Con focused Based Barbarians alot.


Arcane caster for sure
As a DM and player, having had a party without an arcane caster in both scenarios, I can not emphasize enough how useful an arcane caster ( especially wizard) can be in the upper tiers.

And, if it wasn't for the Paladin in the group, the Elf Bladesinger would make for a nice stealthy covert team. Granted, a Bard, possibly College of Lore, might be just as handy. and go Spy background to assist the rogue with traps and such.


I'd probably favor warlock. You could use a Cha oriented character, you could use ranged attacks, and you have another party member that's strongly oriented around short rests (the moon druid).
Also, the Paladin, gets Channel Divinity back on short rests

And a Wizard gets half their level in spell slots back on a short rest, which is comparable to the Warlock, i.e., where a wizard of 6th gets 3 levels of slots back, a Warlock gets 2 slots of 3rd level.
Warlock is the cantrip guru, and invocations add for some nice combos, but Wizards repertoire (Spellbook) and ability to cast rituals without preparing them makes for an apples versus oranges discussion.

I'd pick an arcane caster and lean towards Wizard in the current group line up, but a Warlock would also fit nicely. Sorceror not so much.

And again, depending on the campaign style, a Lore Bard might also be a great fit.


The party consists of the following classes:

Moon druid
Scout rogue
Gloom stalker ranger

I’m thinking wizard, cleric or sorcerer.

If I go wizard, I’ll go either dwarf abjuror, elf bladesinger, or halfling diviner.

If I go cleric, I’ll go arcana or tempest. Maybe life, but I doubt it. (I do play a cleric in a different campaign, so I’m not really feeling this option as much, but it is one of my favorite classes)

If I go sorcerer, I’ll either be a divine sorcerer, draconic, or wild magic.
Of your choices I would play a wizard, either the diviner or the bladesinger. I think the bladesinger would be better in that group if you were going to be a single class.

My second choice would be sorcerer.

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