D&D (2024) What would you put in 1D&D from 4E?

Maybe I wasn't clear. I hate that potions burn your surge for a fixed amount of HP independent of your Surge Value. I love healing surges, but potions in 4e really suck IMHO, specially for defenders.
I think they should give HP based on your surge value, even if it's a fraction of it.
Maybe I'm misremembering potions from 4e. I remember encounter spells just giving you back an amount based on your healing surge value and thought potions used the healing surge value too. Yeah, potions should give you that scaling amount so high HP character get a proportional benefit.

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Maybe I'm misremembering potions from 4e. I remember encounter spells just giving you back an amount based on your healing surge value and thought potions used the healing surge value too. Yeah, potions should give you that scaling amount so high HP character get a proportional benefit.
The exact text of potion of healing:

"Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points."


Things I would bring in from 4E:
  • The bloodied condition (though it needs some actual effects).
  • Monster design--both the notion of minion, standard, elite, and solo monsters, and some of the more unique combat options.
  • Trap and Hazard design--both the mechanics and the way they easily integrate into encounter design.
  • The Warlord, perhaps as a class, but most likely as a subclass of the Fighter.

Now, 4E is not my favorite edition of D&D, but there are some good things that I like in that edition:

1. Healing surges; HD healing in 5E is just clumsy and worse version of healing surges, and I believe it was change for changes sake as not to remind people of 4E.
But why? It was great. It was reliable, while HDs are RNG cluster #$%!.
25% of you max HP is a good amount.
You can have a number of healing surges equal to double your proficiency bonus plus your Con modifier per long rest.
Some 8sub)classes might get a bonus healing surge or two, or more on later levels.

2. Second wind; closely connected to no.1 here is Second wind. Remove it from fighter and give it global usage as a Action. Heal yourself for 25% of max HP, number of times per long rest equal to your prof bonus.

3. Short rest is 5 min. This is self explanatory. 1Hr is NOT a short rest.

4. Attacks opportunity do not spend your "reaction slot", but are on separate once per turn(any players turn) counter.
This would help melee characters keep enemies in melee range or suffer AoO more easily.

5. More things provoke AoO: casting spells that are not melee touch or close blast/cone(without Spell sniper feat), ranged attacks(without Sharpshooter feat), moving more than 10ft within melee range,

6. return to 3 saves or defenses, I'm good with what ever. But it's more fun as a PC to roll all "attacks", so from player perspective all spells could be spell attacks, vs one of 4 defense.
Have Fort save/defense be str+con mod
Reflex save/defense be dex+int mod, and
Will save/defense be wis+cha mod,
These are all fine, especially HS, though I would really want a more consistent resource refresh as well. Also in line monster powers instead of telling me to go look up spells. Good grid combat rules too.

All of it
if we took the basic concepts from 4e, use the modern warlock (2 sub classes mix and match encounter/short rest resouces that are a group at will abilities, daily abilities and mini feats for teh class)as 5e as the base for AEDU classes but again with 4e power set ups (but keep HD over Surges) find an average between 1/2 level and +2-+6 prof, keep advantage/disadvantage but rework the math for less HP but front loading them like 4e did... keep the monster roles

maybe expand class roles so that you have a role in each of the three pillars...

make the skill challanges math better (look to strixhaven for some work on it)

that would be my perfect D&D edition.


I am starting to value simplification and streamlining less than I used to. It's a good idea in certain contexts, but there's a fine line before a game starts to lose a certain something.


Less a specific thing ... but I want OneDnD to get some of the more inventive and exploratory energy that 4e had. What is missing from 5e is some of the more experimental stuff that 3.5 and 4e were willing to do. Incarnum, Shardminds, Avengers, Warlords, the last time I saw something that felt even a little of that was the discarded Mystic class.

Less a specific thing ... but I want OneDnD to get some of the more inventive and exploratory energy that 4e had. What is missing from 5e is some of the more experimental stuff that 3.5 and 4e were willing to do. Incarnum, Shardminds, Avengers, Warlords, the last time I saw something that felt even a little of that was the discarded Mystic class.
I don't understand why they are so cold on new classes... 3.5 and 4e each had a ton of extra classes

Voidrunner's Codex

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