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What would you recommend to a party coming off of descent/D&D5e?


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Those of you who have been there, where did you go? Where would you recommend going?
We want to stop playing before it starts to get too stale, but we're not really sure what game to transition to.
We want something different enough, as in we'd rather not play Pathfinder, Dungeondworld, etc...
But beyond that we're open. (We're even open to hearing arguments either way)
We've thought about Call of Cthulu and Dread, but have no real inklings.

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aramis erak

My recommends are based upon getting away from the D&D style of play...

1) FFG Star Wars - the game is much more narrative at its core, while still being largely traditional in overall feel. Drawbacks: Custom dice, expensive corebooks.

2) BRP or a close derivative (which includes CoC). The abject lethality presented by the combat system discourages a fight-first attitude.

3) Pendragon. While technically a BRP derivative, it doesn't feel that way. Lots of reasons to use non-combat skills. Drawback: Lack of Magic System, Long character gen.


David Jose
I've heard good things about Blades in the Dark. It's quite different.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. I've been playing a bunch of one shot indy games since a full weekly campaign got to be too much for my group to juggle with full on adultood, but Blades has been a shining pillar of excellence.

If you're looking to try out some other, more different(er) things you could try:

Dogs in the Vineyard - Gunslinger paladins in the demon haunted Old West

The Quiet Year - GMless, one shot, co-op, world building, playing a community in a post apocalyptic world

Tales From the Loop - Group of kids ferreting out secrets in an alternate reality 1980s Earth with robots and monsters akin to ET, Scooby Doo, Goonies, or [insert 80s movie with kid protagonists]

Lovecraftesque - Lovecraft inspired horror with fewer stats and damage charts, and more unspeakable things man was not meant to know. Plays more like a short story about an unfortunate individual written by Lovecraft instead of a game about a team of investigators...investigating a thing.

Mouseguard - Arthurian legends meet The Secret of Nymh. This is more about bad ass, bad asses who are also mice, not cute, singing mice who are helping princesses.

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