EN World What you thought a thread title said.

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Aspiring Trickster Mentor
D&D Survivor: Whack Dragons.

Oh. And "Removing Fiction In-Game." Which seems like missing the point, but ok.
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something something Mordenkainen’s Lubrication* something something.
Heh. I still try to work the word "lucubration" into conversation now and then just for the puzzled looks it gets. And I remain disappointed that "lucubratory" is an adjective and not a noun that one could apply to a study lounge or reading room. It sure sounds like it should be...

Although I suppose it does open up the possibility of saying "I was pressed for time before the exam and forced to continue my lucubratory efforts even in the lavatory."


Perfect for extremely pedantic history buffs, I guess?

I remain amazed that thread hasn't had a single response that just says "Lube, and plenty of it." Maybe with a caution about what you use with silicone toys. This community is surprisingly high-minded sometimes. :)
I was trying to find a clip from that Dexter's Laboratory episode where he gets himself laminated, to post as a cautionary example, but alas, YouTube's search function did not oblige me.

I was trying to find a clip from that Dexter's Laboratory episode where he gets himself laminated, to post as a cautionary example, but alas, YouTube's search function did not oblige me.
Ah, "Dexter Is Dirty" with its wonderfully-named invention the Laminatrix. :)

And again, a "laminatory" should be the English word for "a place in which one laminates things...or people" but nope, not even a recognized word. Disappointing!

Voidrunner's Codex

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