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D&D 5E What's your #1 wish from the D&D community in 2018?

Greg K

Wish-bloat, coming from a 3e fan... interesting :)

Bloat to me is the quality of 95% of the supplemental material put out by WOTC (but this was true of 3e as well)- especially, with regards to their supplemental subclasses (and even a few PHB subclasses).

As for being a 3e fan, while I think 5e is a better game out of the box (well, primarily the SRD with the addition of the Valor Bard, Battlemaster Fighter, additional Paladin Archetypes, additional Warlock Patrons and subclasses, wizard schools, additional backgrounds, and feats), there are some things that I do like better about other editions.

I'm a Banana and some others have already taken care of the 2e elements that I wanted- except for 2e Priests of Specific Mythoi/Specialty Priests and and 2e Oriental Adventure Martial Arts styles (which to me would be nice if handled similar to battlemaster maneuvers) and ki abilities..

For 5e, my issues are
1. Not every class gaining their subclass at first level. Part of this could be solved with 3e style class variants (e.g. the 5e UA spell-less Ranger Variant)

2. The Barbarian

3. Clerics. Another edition version in which I dislike the class (2e Priests of Specific Mythoi/Specialty Priests being the exception) Personally, I think weapon and armor and weapon proficiencies should have been another choice similar to Warlocks choosing Chain, Tome, Blade point rather than placed in domains- Perhaps Cloistered (no armor, more skills), Itinerant (light armor), Templar (Heavy armor and a martial weapon).

5. The Monk class. The only versions that I have come close to liking are the 2e Oriental Adventures Monk, and 3e OA Shaman (which is a hybrid)-actually, I liked that latter.

6. The Rogue being the sneaky stabby class and, since it is focused on light armored class, the Light Armored Swordsman/Swashbuckler class (SCAG) and Outdoor spell-less Ranger (Xanthar). The light armored Swordsman/Swashbuckler, for me, has been addressed by [MENTION=2167]Khaalis[/MENTION] on these boards with a Fighter class variant.

7. The Sorcerer: Currently, I am not a fan of the WOTC subclasses, but I have seen some good 3rd party subclasses including from ENWorld's [MENTION=21556]Jester[/MENTION]David.

8. Mystic: not a fan of the playtest class or direction Wizards is going.

9. For 5e, I have been extremely disappointed with Mearls stated vision for a Shaman class and every third party take that I have seen for a Shaman whether as a class or subclass (barbarian, druid, and warlock).The only D&D visions of the Shaman and Witch that I have liked are found in Nigel Findley's Witches (Mayfair Games) for 1e . Moldvay's comments on a Witch class in Dragon Magazine #43 (probably, because he is coming in part from an Anthropological background), and Green Ronin's Shaman and Witch classes both of which are written by Steve Kenson. Findley, Moldvay, and Kenson all seemed to do at least some research on the topics and translated the concepts well to D&D (note: I found bMcDaniel's Witch class to be pretty decent, but it is not what I am looking for in most campaigns).
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Geeze, it's like people don't know how to wish anymore. Think big!

I want everyone to have a fully paid round trip to play D&D on Mars, powered by fusion rockets, with free life extension treatments, and played with full custom VR avatars for each character and monster.

Irda Ranger

First Post
Just open up the old settings to DM's Guild and such. There's a lot of people making content, even if WOTC doesn't want to touch Greyhawk, Mystara, Dragonlance and the rest, open it up and let us write stuff for the classic settings.

The "opening up" would have to come from Wizards, not the community, but this would be great. Maybe they could start small and give permission to update adventures. See who does a good job updating each setting, and then in 2019 do a Guild Adept type thing where they promote the best people to do an official 5E update for the smaller settings.

I expect Wizards to do Planescape, Spelljammer, Dark Sun, and/or Dragonlance in-house, but updating Mystara, Birthright, or other small settings probably won't ever happen at Wizards if they need Hasbro-sized sales projections to be greenlit.

Irda Ranger

First Post
What's your #1 wish from the D&D community in 2018?

Rather than going around and around again on how the Champion or Blade Pact warlock is weak, I'd like to see the community find consensus on a "revised" version of the classes or sub-classes everyone agrees need a tweak or boost. Waiting for the "official" Revised Ranger has been painful. Let's just fix it ourselves!

I have no idea how to organize this sort of thing or help the community "vote" on options. Are those Survivor threads useful? But if someone has ideas on how to organize I'd definitely contribute time reviewing the proposed fixes, suggesting tweaks, and voting.

THEN, once that's complete, whenever someone complains about the Champion or whatever we all agree to just point them to the fix and tell them "Asked and answered".


I'd like people to remember that we are all reasonable gamers

Reasonable gamers? That's an oxymoron! LOL

the purpose of the community is to discuss issues

Yes, and that can be done in a fun, not hyper-serious, non-curmudgeonly way. I like that kind of discussion, I wish it was more common.


Some more DM's Guild collections of adventures and monsters which would fit an Oz/Fairy Tale/Gormenghast/Barsoom/Hindustan campaign. Not more orcs, trolls or goblins; not more taverns, city mayors and guild politics: more stuff that belongs in a dreamscape or a gruesome children's book.

turtle safari.jpg
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