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What's your favorite power?


Guide of Modos
Wizards have them. Superheroes have them. Aliens have them.

We don't.

It's powers that turn your RPG into a fantasy RPG. What are your favorites: the ones that always come to mind first when you think about a character doing something fantastic?

Some powers that come to mind:
Professor X reading minds? Gandalf speaking with moths? Lo Pan creating an illusory samurai with his thumbs? Force lightning?

Bonus points: how well/poorly does your favorite RPG handle that power?

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First Post
Altering reality ;-)

I've been really fond of the oWoD Mage magic system. Using magick to make subtle changes that might be explained away by luck or coincidence.


Guide of Modos
I believe I stated that "superheroes have them." And considering some of the things I've seen superheroes do (catch falling people in their arms, start prison fights without help, and get in the way of bullets) I'd say they're a little short on "common" sense.

Speaking of - is there anything Neo can't do? The bullet-stopping power is pretty nice.

Speaking of - is there anything Neo can't do? The bullet-stopping power is pretty nice.

Not a power that I would expect to ever need though. And without super-fast reaction speed to use said power, it is still no guarantee you'll survive a gunfight.

I guess you could simply ask for all of Neo's powers overall, but wouldn't that mean that there really is a Matrix? It seems hard to have Neo's powers without having the reason his reality-bending powers are possible in the first place.

Tony Vargas

What's your favorite power?
Come & Get It! ;P
(Not really, Bolt of Genius really grabbed me, Own the Battlefield, and, of course, Epic Trick - there were actually a /lot/ of very cool powers, it'd be hard to narrow down even a top 10.)

Seriously, though, favorite supernatural ability in the broader genre, generally: Probably have to be shapeshifting. I blame Maya on Space:1999.

...or flying while invisible. :)
A little black hellbore is good for that, I've heard.

I guess you could simply ask for all of Neo's powers overall, but wouldn't that mean that there really is a Matrix?
Have you notice how so many things taste like chicken?
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