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What's your favorite Sepulchrave moment?


World of Kulan DM
Terwox said:
Well... Mostin discovering timestop was wonderful.

Lessee. Oh, I enjoy... Ortwin talking to Rurunoth, Nwm raining chaos on the army,...

You know, I read the question and immediately thought about Ortwin talking to Rurunoth. But I'd say, Nwn pulling out the "wuparse" was my favorite. Mostin using timpstop was just bloody scary. :eek:

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First Post
It such a great story hour - so many great moments. Ortwin getting charmed was quite amusing. Mostin's behaviour right at the beginning - he has got a little less crazy as the story rolls on but the image of counting his steps as he walks, his grandstanding, and his use of the contact other plane spell where all great. Nwm's blasting. No doubt there. And the temptation of Eadric. And the clever use of outsiders generally - the rogues gallery thread which shows how is all can work mechanically. The church, its organisation and doctrinal war....

All we need is another post some day soon (typing with misty eyes)


Dragon Lord
ForceUser said:
When will Sep publish ;) ?

I hope he does, because the money is burning a hole in my pocket. I long to own a copy of a Wyre novel, so this fantastic story is legitimized to my friends who scoff at fan fiction, and so I can own a Wyre book. For now, though, the story hour will have to do.

If Sepulchrave ever decides to publish, he is going to have to pull the entire story from this board and request all copies of the story be destroyed. In the publishing game, publishing even on an internet board can be looked upon as second publication (as in hurting the exclusive first publication rights of the company that might want to publish his work.) Also, a mainstream novel would require a serious reworking of alot of the material Sep uses that all us D&D fans love. I have no doubt that he is up to the task of making the changes, but hopefully there would be no illusions as to the extent that things would have to change to differentiate his world from its gaming roots aka different magic system, different characters, different demons, etc.

It would probably be better if he did what Destan did and publish a campaign supplement about the world of Wyre. Let folks enjoy playing in his world, maybe do short stories and novels based on some NPC's he just thinks up to flesh the place out. He has a built in fanbase, probably be fairly lucrative for him.

As far as my favorite moments so far.

1. When Tahl first shows up to take Eadric in. I liked the character Tahl. He was cool. His death was kind of anti-climatic. I really wish Sep would have done more with the character.

2. Eadric's first conversation with Titivilius. That was an interesting exchange.

3. Most of the parts with Enitharmon. I like him. I think of Michael the Archangel when Enitharmon is rolling with the celestial host at his back.

I really enjoy the interesting cosmology Sep has developed. It is reminiscent of the Christian cosmology while still maintaining a unique flavor that tastes like D&D. I love the way he uses Solar's and Planetar's without allowing them to overwhelm the game or overshadow the characters. Very nicely done.

His use of epic magic is the best I've read on these forums. Unique, interesting, and balanced way to implement epic spells, while giving the player's plenty of options to apply epic magic in the right place at the right time. Makes for a better story and probably a smoother campaign.

Heck, I liked Sep's story so much I decided to give Dante and Milton a read. Grant me some insight into the inspiration for Sep's strange cosmology.


Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
One of many favorite moments:

The Planetar vanished, but the Demoness sat and watched the figure walking along the road diminish, and finally disappear.

She sat for a long time. Demons have good eyesight.

Very late to this thread, but what the heck. (I've been busy with fantasy baseball preparation.)

My favorite moments, roughly in order:

* The very beginning of Lady Despina's Virtue: (paraphrased) "One of my players is trying to convert a succubus." What a perfectly audacious opening! Immediately draws you in and makes you want to read more.

* Every fight versus Feezuu. For my money, these remain the best action sequences Sep has written. (paraphrased) "Mostin cursed, and let loose another potent sonic at point-blank range. Summoned devils and slaadi alike exploded under the sound." Awesome. Makes shivers go up and down my spine.

* Nym saving Nehael from Tahl by atoning her -- as Sep put it, the player showed an ingenuity not thought possible. I wish I could play D&D that well.

* Eadric's tale of his testing by Rintrah is (deliberately?) Biblical in both scope and telling. Great, great piece of writing, the more so for its simplicity.

It should be no surprise that I now have a burning desire to re-read this story from the beginning for... hmm... the fourth time! At this rate Lady Despina rapidly closes in on Lord of the Rings as my most read story.


First Post
Mostin summoning that wicked pseudonatural horror from the Far Realm and not being able to understand what the creature wanted as payment.

I have a conjurer PC IMC which is always driving me nuts, so that part really made me laugh :p


First Post
best bit of sepulchrave's story hour?

would have to be starting the latest update ....

and the worst has to be finishing it. :(

Inspirational does not do him/her justice - the word is not big enough.
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Whenever he updates...

I would agree that I read this story hour for inspiration...Ive read it entirely at least 3 times so far and whenever I need some creative juice for my own game.
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First Post
Just piping in to add a couple personal favourites - a couple more logs for the Great Moments bonfire:

"Would you say that Cynric was in full possession of his faculties?" Hethio inquired.
"Yes," replied Eadric.
"But I remember him saying ‘Not everything is revealed to me’ – I was present at the initial hearing, if you recall. Do you believe that Oronthon’s grace was withdrawn from him?"
"No." Eadric was adamant.
"Despite the fact that he was not assumed?* That he perished under sorcery?"
"What else did he say?" Melion asked.
Eadric smiled. "He said ‘I can give you no help in this matter. You are correct when you speak of inner promptings – not that I’d say it in front of those others. After all, it IS the road to heresy - at least among the unenlightened.’"

Melion swallowed hard, and called for an immediate recess.

* * * * * * * * * *

“There is no time to explain. Do you trust me?”
Eadric sighed. “I suppose so. Where are we going?”
“Trempa,” Tahl replied. “Your Duchess has just announced her decision to secede from the Church. She has denounced the Curia in no uncertain terms. We must hasten.”
Eadric blinked. “And you are supporting her?”
Tahl nodded.
“Are you the leader in this, Tahl?”
The Deputy Inquisitor smiled. “No,” he said. “You are.”

* * * * * * * * * *

The fact that Tahl was a clergyman had somehow escaped Eadric’s notice. The Paladin nodded. “I tend to forget that you far outrank me,” he said to the Inquisitor.
“Only for the moment,” Tahl replied. Seeing the confusion upon Eadric’s face, he continued. “Last night, I had a revelation. The Messenger spoke to me.”
Eadric’s jaw dropped.

Rintrah had quietly roared.

* * * * * * * * * *

"What would you have of me?" The celestial inquired, "and I will appoint a task for you in return."

"That you invoke just retribution upon the Heretic and his pagan friend. That you punish them for their misdeeds, and slay them as they deserve."

The deva nodded. "If I do this, then here is your task in payment: you will willingly endure the torments of the lowest hell for eternity, secure in the knowledge that your perfect faith will sustain you, because you have never done an impure deed or thought an impure thought."

Tramst looked astounded.

"A different task, perhaps?" The deva asked.

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