Tie between MSHAS (
Classic Marvel Forever - MSH Classic RPG | Home Page ) and SUPERS! (
SUPERS! Revised Edition | hazardstudio )
Marvel Super Hero Advanced Set (re: the "FACERIP" version of 1986) is my go-to for anytime I want to run a Marvel game, obviously. Being able to run games down at the Punisher and Daredevil level, up to X-Men, and even beyond, like Silver Surfer level cosmic games can be done...and done well! Absolutely
amazing RPG! Almost no complaints over the last 35 years of running it.
SUPERS! I only 'recently' (maybe 5 years ago? bought his as a PDF. Gave it a skin, then it sat there for a year. Found it when board one day, started digging into it more...and was blown away! WHY didn't I read it when I first bought the dang thing?!? (stupid brain doing stupid brain stuff!
). This system handles the low to upper-mid range of Super Hero'ing
better than MSHAS (FASERIP), IMNSHO (take that, acronyms!). I ran my brother, his wife, and one of his friends through a quick game using Tabletop Simulator. He/they were, at first, only luke-warm with the system as they made characters and made simple checks. But once they got into combat against a group of about 30 'mooks' (just some fish-guy fin-soldiers), the magic happened!
My bro's "ninja-punisher dude" was attacked by six of them. With one single "action roll", he leveled ALL of them and still had an attack left! He though the might only be able to take out 2 of them (one for each attack), but that's not how it works in SUPERS! You have to read the rules to appreciate the genius of how the system works for this. Seriously. Go buy the PDF. Now!
Honorable Mentions:
DC Heroes (the Mayfair version, using the ... 'Action' system? The one where a score of 4 is twice as good as a 3, or half as good as a 5; the 'original' one?). We used this for, well, DC heroes games. We only played a handful of them...we were all more of Marvel fans...and the system was "odd feeling" when playing. I mean, "I can do it, I can lift 200 lb...well, more like 3200 lb if I REALLY try!" O_O But when you want the ridiculous power levels of DC heroes, it's a nice system.
Heroes & Heroines. Wow...this is a ...system. Uses dice as it's main thing...where you're rolling all manner and number of them. Might be 1d20 to hit, then 3d6 + 2d8 for damage...or 1d20 to hit, then 9d10 + 40 for damage, etc. One thing you will do a lot of...roll dice! It is 'world agnostic', but it DID put out two (?) supplements; one was for using "The Maxx" as a setting (brownie points for anyone who knows who The Maxx is/was), and one for...some other offshoot comic. Heroes & Heroines was going to, supposedly, get licenses for various Image Comics, Dark Horse Comics, etc (all the "underground" or "non-main stream" comic book companies that were all the rage in the early/mid 90's)...but then, well, yeah. Crash! The system was nothing to write home about, but it did have a certain "charm" to it...it's own "feeling", which was nice.
Paul L. Ming