What's your favorite Urban Fantasy series?

I'll also throw in a recommendation for The Thieftaker Chronicles by D.B. Jackson - not just urban fantasy but period urban fantasy... It takes place in Boston in 1768 on the cusp of the American Revolution.

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I prefer The Dresden Files, though I think the latter boks are getting too High-powered.

I also enjoy what I have read of The Laundry Files. The two books I have read in Rivers of London hasn't really hooked me. I really enjoyed the Gallow and Ragged-trilogy by Lilith Saintcrow. It was quite different. The constant scene-hopping in them though was a bit jarring. I also loved Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

I guess in some fashion you can call Shadowrun urban fantasy. There are some of the books that are really good; Like The Secrets of Power-trilogy, Black Madonna, Shadowplay, Buring Bright and some others. Likewise some of Terry Pratchett's books are really good.

I’ll second Neverwhere, Word & The Void, SERRAted Edge, and Dresden Files.

I’ll add:

American Gods
The Hellbound Heart
The Chronicles of Amber
The Odd Thomas novels
The Shining & Doctor Sleep

DC Comics’ Vertigo lineup in the 1990s featuring Swamp Thing, John Constantine, Tim Hunter, The Spectre, The Phantom Stranger and others.

I haven’t read The Magicians, but enjoyed the TV series.

Since I brought up TV shows, I’ll add a few more (that haven’t been created from anything already mentioned):

Special Unit 2
Van Helsing
Kolchak: the Night Stalker
The Night Stalker
Sea of Souls
Being Human (both)
The Fades
G vs E
Dead Like Me
Friday the 13th: The Series
The Librarians
Warehouse 13

They’re a mixed bag. Some were very good, some were pure TV candy. Some never found their audience before cancellation. Some are still in production.
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