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What's your single favorite D&D creature?


Dragons.. always, for me. The King of all beasts as far as fantasy goes.

Awe inspiring, powerful, majestic, timeless...

They've always given me a sense that although they are often depicted as being few and frequently sleeping in some dark cave somewhere that they are more like some mighty dormant caretakers who could overhwlem everything if they so chose, but instead they are content to watch...and wait.

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serves Gnome Master

Lots of immunities, and the ability to scare the living daylights out of the party when they don't have a cleric handy.


Captain NeMo

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The zombie, Illithid and goblin are all worthy contenders but in the end the humble goblin wins: nothing in my mind is more essential to a campaign setting than the little green blighters. Raiders, pests, servants, tinkers, mechanics, overlords and so much more...the goblin is why evil is sooo much cooler than good. Especially mischievious evil. ;)

atom crash

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Githyanki. I've always thought they were evil in a cool and spooky way. They look like mummified people who can tear you apart with their psionics and silver swords. Enough said.

I've also always had a soft spot in my heart for the Displacer Beast. It's right there; no it's over there. Where is it? Now it's ripping your face off.


To Quote the Book of Ratings:

"Gygax clearly had some sort of ooze fixation. He populated his little world with a goobery panapoly of spores, molds, and fungi, at least one variety of which has psychic powers. Huh. At any rate, closely edging out green slime for "Best Performance by a Nickelodeon Game Show Prop" is the gelatinous cube, a transparent, hallway-shaped, flesh-dissolving, uh. Cube. The sheer ridiculousness of it is impressive. Here we have yet another monster with no reason to exist in a dungeon-free ecosystem. It's genetically adapted to graph paper, for God's sake! Plus it conveniently fails to either digest or excrete metal, giving an adventurers a reason to kill it and scoop coins from its corpse. It's like some sort of living, deadly, mall fountain. A"

Gotta love 'em.

For real, though: the pseudonatural template. It lets me take the monster with the coolest abilities that would have no reason to be in a particular situation, and put it in my very Cthulu-mythos oriented game.


First Post
Goblins. In my campaigns goblins reproduce like rabbits. You never run across one, it's always a scene like in the Mines of Moria in LotR. I always like a dungeon full of crafty devious goblins, led by their levelled leader.



It's gotta be dragons. Too iconic not to be. Specifically, a red dragon.

Not far behind would be orcs. (Followed closely by goblins then kobolds)

Honorable mention goes to beholders and mind flayers. Those 2 always garner an "Oh sh*t!" from the PCs...



First Post
If not a great wyrm golden dragon, then definatly the solars. They have the look of a god about them. Good stuff. I can just mention it to my players and they all seem to need new pants. SOOOOooooOOOOO much fun.

Voidrunner's Codex

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