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When Fantasy Meets Africa

The roaring success of the recent Black Panther film is another sign that fantasy worlds are changing. The fictional African country of Wakanda as portrayed in Marvel comic books has been isolated and stagnant, a common problem with "Othering" of non-white cultures. The plot of the film addresses its isolationist past and in doing so, blazes a trail for other fantasy universes in how they portray African-like nations.

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The roaring success of the recent Black Panther film is another sign that fantasy worlds are changing. The fictional African country of Wakanda as portrayed in Marvel comic books has been isolated and stagnant, a common problem with "Othering" of non-white cultures. The plot of the film addresses its isolationist past and in doing so, blazes a trail for other fantasy universes in how they portray African-like nations.

[h=3]Marvel Deals With its "Other"[/h]Othering is a process in which other cultures are viewed through a biased lens of exoticism and isolationism. These cultures are not integrated into the world but are rather static, often amalgamating a region's various cultures into one homogeneous mass. The culture may be portrayed as never having advanced beyond what defines it as exotic.

Any world creation will likely be influence by the beliefs of the time, and many fantasy worlds -- Marvel's superhero universe included -- paint different cultures with broad strokes for white audiences as a form of shorthand. This is how we got Wakanda as a technologically-advanced culture that never fully engaged with the horrors of war that have rocked the world at large. As Nate Jones puts it:

It refuses to trade with other nations, though as one line in the movie makes clear, Wakandans are still able to consume American memes. As we see in a Western television broadcast in the movie, Wakanda is able to get away with this by masquerading as an impoverished third-world country, and since the country’s leadership refuses to take international aid, the rest of the world doesn’t ask too many questions.

The plot of Black Panther addresses this isolationism -- a byproduct of "othering" Wakanda as a a fictional nation in Africa -- head on, and makes it clear that the Marvel Cinematic Universe plans to integrate Wakanda into its narrative like any other nation. It's a bold choice that will likely change the static nature of Wakanda forever. Role-playing games face a similar dilemma.
[h=3]RPGs and Africa[/h]There hasn't been a great track record in nuanced representation of African nations in tabletop role-playing games. G.A. Barber uses Rifts Africa by Palladium as an example:

...with a decided lack of POC in the art, and the entire continent serves as a place for non-Africans to adventure in. There are 67 interior pictures in Rifts Africa, of which 54 depict non-Africans or landscape, and 13 depict Africans. The first picture with Africans in it has them acting as porters for a white game hunter. Four of the pictures (just under 25% of the pictures depicting Africans) depict Africans as monsters. None of the pictures show Africans using modern or futuristic technology or weapons, none of them are of Africans fighting monsters or “looking cool”. In a single book, ostensibly about Africa, only 19% of the pictures show Africans (omission), and the few depictions of them make it clear they are there as set dressing and nothing more (stereotypes and limited roles).

Dungeons & Dragons
has slowly, steadily, been addressing this issue. Fifth Edition has made efforts to be more inclusive, and that reflects in the diversity of character art. The lead image for the human race in the Player's Handbook is of a black woman. And yet, D&D still struggles with its broad strokes representation of African nations, as the controversy over the depiction of Chult demonstrates in Tomb of Annihilation:

Its point of inspiration is a campaign setting that, for years, has been written off as tone-deaf. The new adventure draws on D&D co-creator Gary Gygax’s adventure Tomb of Horrors and combines that with source material detailing Chult, a jungle peninsula first conceived of in a 1992 novel called The Ring of Winter, in which an adventurer travels to Chult’s dinosaur-filled wilderness seeking the eponymous artifact...The canonical Chultan peninsula finally congealed in a 1993 campaign setting as a dinosaur-infested jungle where heat wiped out even the strongest adventurers and insects carried fatal diseases. Reptilian races and undead skeletons dominate the land and humans live in tribal clusters and clans. Its major city, Mezro, “rivals some of the most ‘civilized’ population centers in Faerun,” the setting reads. Slavery is mentioned about 40 times. In D&D’s 3rd edition, it’s written that Chultan priest-kings worship “strange deities” in the city of Mezro. In D&D’s 4th edition, Chult is located on what’s called the “Savage Coast.” It’s said there that the city of Port Nyanzaru is controlled by foreign traders who often must defend against pirates. Mezro has collapsed. It just sank into the abyss. What remains is this: “Human civilization is virtually nonexistent here, though an Amnian colony and a port sponsored by Baldur’s Gate cling to the northern coasts, and a few tribes—some noble savages, others depraved cannibals—roam the interior.”

Tomb of Annihilation
works hard to create a more comprehensive African culture in Chult, but it may suffer from not enough nuance:

While many players I talked to enjoyed how the history and political structures of Chult were expanded in Tomb of Annihilation (and enjoyed the adventure’s plot generally), they were still unimpressed by its execution. Its setting is an amalgamation of African cultures, a trope frequent in 20th century media that flattens the dimensionality of human experiences on the continent, which contains hundreds of ethnic groups. There are nods to West African voodoo, Southern African click-based Khoisan languages, East African attire (like Kenyan kofia hats) and the jungle climate of Central Africa. Its fantasy setting dissolves “Africa” into an all-in-one cultural stew that comes off as a little detached, sources I interviewed said.

Is it possible to depict a more nuanced fantasy Africa? Nyambe: African Adventures for 3.5 D&D, by Christopher Dolunt, offers some hope:

My motivation for creating Nyambe was simple. Africa was a major part of the Earth that has little or no representation in fantasy literature, let alone RPGs. When it does appear, it usually follows the pulp fiction model: steaming jungles, bloodthirsty cannibals, and dark gods long forgotten by the civilized races. Of course, historical Africa was nothing like that, so my goal for Nyambe was to create a fantasy version of Africa based on the actual history and mythology of Africa, rather than previous fantasy depictions. So, I went about taking snippets of history or myth, and twisting them, adding fantasy elements or changing specifics to make them fit into an OGL world.

[h=3]Now What?[/h]Wizards of the Coast made considerable strides in increasing D&D's diverse representation and transitioning Chult from conquered land to fantasy nation, but there's still work to do. As more people of color play D&D, the game will need to change to accommodate its players' diverse views. With Black Panther leading the way, here's hoping future game designers will take note.

Mike "Talien" Tresca is a freelance game columnist, author, communicator, and a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to http://amazon.com. You can follow him at Patreon.

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca

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A typical treatment of fantasy Africa in a typical D&D game in 2018 would look like something like this:

The PCs are mostly, but not entirely, a bunch of white boys living in fantasy Western Europe. Once they reach sufficient level they go on one or more trips to exotic places, like fantasy Viking land, fantasy Arabia, fantasy China or fantasy Africa. Mostly they are just places to fight terrain appropriate monsters and take in a bit of local colour. The PCs visit fantasy Africa looking for a treasure rumoured to be in a ruined temple. Soon after getting off the ship they meet a potentially friendly tribe of dark-skinned human natives who live in a village and can provide aid in the form of information, a guide or (if the game is particularly old school) bearers. The village will have a shaman.

The PCs head off into the jungle encountering carnivorous apes, man-eating plants, wereleopards, and frogpeople. The frog people will be part man, part poison arrow frog, even though poison arrow frogs are only found in the Americas. In the temple, which won't resemble any real world African architecture, the PCs will fight Yuan-Ti, even though their name sounds East Asian. The climax of the adventure will be a fight with a giant ape.

This is all basically fine, the treatment of the villagers won't be racist or anything. The only problematic aspect imo is the wereleopard and how much that's played up. Like there might be a whole evil tribe of wereleopards who are in conflict with the good tribe. It's a problem because of the idea that black people are closer to nature, particularly the savage, animalistic aspects of nature, than non-black people. One can see that idea in relatively benign form in the superhero Storm, for example.

Wow, that's pretty much Paizo's Savage Tide Adventure path to a T. Including were leopards.

Because tribes of werewolves, wererats, wereboars, were-seals(!), and even weresharks(!!) never occur in areas with non-African themes?

Not only is your example highly implausible it's probably much less likely than a portrayal of pseudo-Norse being literally and explicitly closer to nature, particularly to the savage animalistic aspects of nature (berserkers anyone? shape-changing into bears?) than non-Norse people.

One of my flags for racism is whether the person had double standards. Is the speaker literally two minded with respect to his behavior toward people so that there are whole different trains of thought and behaviors that happen when you change the skin color of the person.

And this is the reason why Africa can't get good stuff. Because no sane publisher that wanted to stay in business is going to publish anything in Africa if everyone is going to apply a double standard to his work so that no matter what he does, he can't meet the standard. It's always "problematic", not because of any intention or lack of attention on his part, but because of what is in the heart of the viewer. So instead of a campaign in Africa, it's going to be in fantasy Northern Europe, and it will look like this:

"The PCs are mostly, but not entirely, a bunch of white boys living in fantasy Western Europe. Once they reach sufficient level they go on one or more trips to exotic places, like fantasy Viking land. Mostly they are just places to fight terrain appropriate monsters and take in a bit of local colour. The PCs visit fantasy Norway looking for a treasure rumored to be in a ruined temple. Soon after getting off the ship they meet a potentially friendly tribe of white-skinned human natives who live in a village and can provide aid in the form of information, a guide or (if the game is particularly old school) bearers. The village will have a shaman who wears a bear skin. The PC's will be invited to drinking contests, feats of strength, and axe throwing contests by a bunch of guys that look and talk like Arnold Shwarzenegger, even though he's Austrian, because the DM can't do a Norse accent. The PCs head off into the moors encountering carnivorous apes (Yeti and Taur), man-eating plants (peat monsters), werewolves, and frogpeople (bullywogs). The temple, which won't resemble any real world norse architecture will look like a cross between a Greek temple and a Gothic cathedral, even though those things are 1000 years removed from the setting in either direction. The PC's will fight Yuan-Ti, even though their name sounds East Asian. The climax of the adventure will be a fight with a Wendigo, even though that is a North American myth."

And all the reviewers will be like, "This is all basically fine. The only problematic aspect IMO is how everything has been whitewashed. One would think that in 2018 we'd be more inclusive."

A double standard isn't a standard at all. It's just an excuse to gripe and complain and pretend in doing so you are being deeply thoughtful and intellectual. You can't have a standard that complains about the use of stereotypical pastiches and at the same time is going to complain if the pastiche is subverted by the inclusion of multiple unexpected elements. If neither pastiche Africa nor non-pastiche Africa is going to make the reviewers happy, the best solution is not to have Africa at all. If you got to be extra respectful to Africa but you can safely portray any non-English European ethnic group as a bunch of drunks that love to fight, guess which group is going to be your "ethnic color"? If some extra wheel starts spinning in your head when you see pictures of people with different skin color than you that causes you to treat that presentation differently, that ought to be a great big huge warning flag about something other than what you are looking at. That extra wheel doesn't help the industry become "more inclusive". It just is a big red flag to avoid any sort of controversy (sort of like what this thread might be with respect to publishing articles about Africa).

This is total bull. There are any number of norse inspired modules that don't look like this. Heck, bullywugs? Seriously? And, we've even got historically (semi) accurate D&D supplements like the 2e Viking supplement which at least tries to be somewhat grounded in history. IOW, no, [MENTION=4937]Celebrim[/MENTION], you are absolutely wrong here. Sure, there might be double standard modules like you describe, but, there are also ones that aren't.

Which isn't true in D&D of anything African inspired.

Which is the whole point.


Just in case people think I'm blowing smoke here, here's a link to a currently funded Norse inspired module: https://www.kickstarter.com/project...ey-to-ragnarok-a-norse-mythology-adventure-fo

To give an idea about how RPG's have handled this sort of thing, look at the TSR Historical Reference Series HR1-HR7. 7 historical reference campaign setting books - Vikings, Charlemagne, Celts, Late Renaissance Europe, Rome, Greece, and the Crusaders handbook.

Notice anything?

Let's not try to pretend that every culture out there gets an even handed treatment. You or I might no like, say, the Maztica setting, for example, because of its treatment of Central American Native themes, but, again, there are other options out there. I'm pretty sure there are modules or setting guides inspired by Aztec or various other Central and South American concepts for you to find, both good and bad. "Sons of Azca" for the Hollow World setting for example. I'm sure there are others.


[MENTION=22779]Hussar[/MENTION], regarding your last paragraph: Tekumel.

Heh. That did occur to me after I hit send. :D And, heck, Tekumel is one of the oldest RPG settings out there.

But, the point I'm trying to make is that sure, there are bad takes on every society out there. Poorly researched pastiches that mash together half understood cliches in order to build a setting. Fair enough. But, there are ALSO numerous settings that place a high value on authenticity for every European fantasy culture out there. Even outside of Europe, say Mezzo-America or East Asia have numerous settings and supplements that at least strive for authenticity (with varying degrees of success).

In 50 years of RPG supplements, the entire sub-Saharan continent has gotten short shrift. Pretending that there's any sort of parity because there are poorly made European inspired supplements just completely misses the point.

I had a discussion with a buddy a while ago (and if this is trending too close to the no-politics board rules, I'm sorry and I'll come back and edit this if needed) about the notion of changing the ethnicity of established characters. We were specifically talking about Spider-Man Homecoming at the time. He argued that he only really supported changing ethnicities if it made sense for the character. So, Black Panther is black, because, well, what else would he be?

But, to me, this is akin to the discussion here about otherness. It's tone deaf. WHY is Peter Parker, for example, white? Young man growing up in New York in the 60's, there's no particular reason for Parker to be white. He's white, because, well, in the 1960's, you would never publish a non-white superhero.

In fact, there are very few super-heroes with an in-world reason to be white. Off the top of my head, I'd say Captain America, simply because an American Army officer in the second world war cannot be anything other than white. Thor, ok, fair enough, Norse god of thunder, white dude, sure. I'd be a bit taken aback if they got Jet Li to play Thor. :D

But, outside of that? There's virtually no in-world reason for these characters to be white. They could be white or they could be anything else.

And the same sort of reasons apply to RPG's. Why is everything Euro-centric? Well, because of the time, you likely weren't going to do anything else. The art is all white folks, the cultures are dominantly European (again, with varying degrees of authenticity), and so on. The genre fiction that D&D is based on is so heavily biased in favor of whites that other races might as well not even exist. Conan, Tarzan, all the pulps. Their deep, deep racism is hardly a secret.

We need to be aware of it and it really does need to be addressed.


In the future, they would be well advised to think it through more carefully when treading on issue areas that, when mishandled, many people could find hurtful and insulting.

In the past, fantasy Vikings (for example) have been managed and mismanaged by most RPGs in many ways, mostly poor stereotypes, without Scandinavian countries declaring themselves hurt and insulted. The same can be said about merchant republics or Oriental Adventures: I haven't heard any Italian or Japanese or Chinese complaining about the stereotypes that were used and misused in the story of RPGs when touching that topics.

If publishers are told that they have to take incredibly extra care when mash upping other cultures in their games to avoid hurting and insulting nations, they will just avoid the topic. Yes, that nations will complain that they are generally overlooked, but it's the lesses evil compared to making the feel insulted.
Maybe that's what happened more than once in the past and one of the explanation that many cultures have been generally overlooked so far.


Cultural appropriation.

Social <insert trendy noun here>.

Othering (!?).

Sometimes a cigar’s just a cigar, folks. Keep calm and game on.
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Staff member
In the past, fantasy Vikings (for example) have been managed and mismanaged by most RPGs in many ways, mostly poor stereotypes, without Scandinavian countries declaring themselves hurt and insulted.

Good for them!

The same can be said about merchant republics or Oriental Adventures: I haven't heard any Italian or Japanese or Chinese complaining about the stereotypes that were used and misused in the story of RPGs when touching that topics.

Well, I have heard Asians complain about things in OA and other sourcebooks for a variety of RPGs; people of African descent complain about whitewashing of art or inclusion of stereotypes, etc.

It’s a real thing.

Thomas Bowman

First Post
In the past, fantasy Vikings (for example) have been managed and mismanaged by most RPGs in many ways, mostly poor stereotypes, without Scandinavian countries declaring themselves hurt and insulted. The same can be said about merchant republics or Oriental Adventures: I haven't heard any Italian or Japanese or Chinese complaining about the stereotypes that were used and misused in the story of RPGs when touching that topics.

If publishers are told that they have to take incredibly extra care when mash upping other cultures in their games to avoid hurting and insulting nations, they will just avoid the topic. Yes, that nations will complain that they are generally overlooked, but it's the lesses evil compared to making the feel insulted.
Maybe that's what happened more than once in the past and one of the explanation that many cultures have been generally overlooked so far.
Do Norwegians play Dungeons & Dragons? Well if they do, they'll have to learn English in order to play. Norway has 5.2 million people, would it be worth translating D&D books into Norwegian? What is the most common misperception about Vikings?

Vikings never wore these! Your typical Norwegian is not going to get offended if he sees this, its just wrong that's all.


In the past, fantasy Vikings (for example) have been managed and mismanaged by most RPGs in many ways, mostly poor stereotypes, without Scandinavian countries declaring themselves hurt and insulted. The same can be said about merchant republics or Oriental Adventures: I haven't heard any Italian or Japanese or Chinese complaining about the stereotypes that were used and misused in the story of RPGs when touching that topics.

If publishers are told that they have to take incredibly extra care when mash upping other cultures in their games to avoid hurting and insulting nations, they will just avoid the topic. Yes, that nations will complain that they are generally overlooked, but it's the lesses evil compared to making the feel insulted.
Maybe that's what happened more than once in the past and one of the explanation that many cultures have been generally overlooked so far.

Again, missing the point.

Are there poor products about Vikings? Most certainly. I know that. But, I also know that there are a number of very good ones too. Heck, I linked to the 2e Vikings sourcebook from TSR that was pretty well done. IOW, you actually have the option, if you want, of choosing which kind of supplement you want for your game.

The same is certainly not true of anything to do with Africa.

Put it this way, let's play a game. I'll name a monster or NPC inspired by Norse mythology from D&D that is either neutral or portrays Viking culture in a positive light, and you name something inspired by African mythology that is also either neutral or positive. All of sub-Saharan Africa. Let's see who runs out of stuff first.

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