I don't know if there is a division. Hence the poll. But my thesis goes like this:
1. Players who like to hold uninterrupted monologues. They read letters out loud, describe their character and the way their spells look. They like exposition and public speaking. Wizards, Clerics. Knowledge skills. "Look at me!"
2. Players who enjoy the dynamic of a dialogue. They speak with the other players, trade items and if the party has an off night they head for the nearest pub. Fighters, paladins, rogues, bards. Social skills. "What do you think?"
3. Players who are inquisitive and like to explore. They search the room, map the dungeon and often drive the progress. They like to establish facts and are less likely to care for opinions. Rogues, wizards. Exploration skills. "How high is the wall?"
4. Players who don't necessarily like to take the initiative but still wants to answer questions. Some of them want someone else to describe how cool they are. Rangers, druids, avengers. Awareness skills. "20 - success!"
5. Players who like to push the envelope. They take an obvious red herring and run with it, they interject inappropriate comments in others' dialogues and they kick in the door while the others search. Rogues, Wizards, Fighters. "I pick the guard's pocket!"
6. Players who are a little bit if this and a little bit of that.
I enjoy all of the above but if I have to pick one it would be the monologue inclined dude.