When role play game become a story telling

Jeux Fictifs

First Post
Depuis quel que temps , j'ai de plus en plus de joueurs
Qui arrive à ma table de jeu de rôle avec leur personnage
et incluant deux pages d'histoire sur leur personnage.

Ce joueur a décidé qu'il joue un personnage
qui va tuer le méchant sorcier qui a tuer ses parents.
Cette joueuse va jouer une aventurière qui va retrouver son mari perdu.
Et lui qui joue un nain car il veut aller tuer un dragon qui garde le trésor de sa nation.

Mais moi , j'avais écrit une aventure de pirates.
C'est à l'eau car les personnages- joueurs ont d'autre projets.

Puis ce joueur qui me lance pas de dés car trop de hasard.
Car pour lui, une bonne description des actions
de son personnage devrait lui permettre de réussir.
Pour lui s'il me raconte comment il a fait sa recette dans le moindre détail
son gâteau devrais être réussi.
Bien sur , il n'a pas un facteur de hasard lors de ses combats.

Puis ce joueur qui raconte sa vie de son personnage à tout les personnages.
Après il se demande pourquoi les autres joueurs.
Lui demande de se taire. C'est que les autres joueurs le savent que tu as inventé
un pénible passé pour ton personnage mais après l'avoir raconté deux fois.
Cela n'est pas nécessaire de raconté ton histoire à la serveuse de l'auberge.

Jadis j'avais un personnage et j'espérais qu'il survie durant le quatre heures de jeu.
Bien souvent mon personnage avec un simple prénom,
Non , je n'avais pas écrit sa bibliographie.
Car j'étais content qu'il puisse passer au niveau supérieur.
Car nous tentions de faire survivre nos personnages
dans le monde imaginaire de notre Maître de jeu.

Nous étions pas réuni pour écrire un roman avec nos personnages détaillés.


Since then, I have more and more players
Who comes to my role-playing table with their character
and including two pages of story about their character.

This player has decided that he plays a character
which will kill the evil wizard who killed his parents.
This player will play an adventurer who will find her lost husband.
And he who plays a dwarf because he wants to go and kill a dragon that keeps the treasure of his nation.

But I had written an adventure of pirates.
It's in the water because the players have other projects.

Then this player who throws me dice because too much chance.
For him, a good description of the actions
of his character should enable him to succeed.
For him if he tells me how he made his recipe in the smallest detail
his cake should be successful.
Of course, he does not have a chance factor in his fighting.

Then this player who tells his life of his character to all the characters.
Then he wonders why the other players.
Ask him to be silent. The other players know that you invented
a painful past for your character but after having told it twice.
It's not necessary to tell your story to the waitress at the hostel.

Formerly I had a character and I hoped that it survived during the four hours of play.
Very often my character with a simple first name,
No, I had not written his bibliography.
Because I was glad he could move on to the next level.
Because we were trying to make our characters survive
in the imaginary world of our Game Master.

We were not together to write a novel with our detailed characters.

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Do you let your players know the kind of game you are planning?

I used to hang out on the Pyramid newsgroup and one thing that always impressed me was treating starting your game as if both the GM and the players were auditioning for each other.

The GM gives a synopsis of the goals of the campaign, the players make characters that fit into that world.

This requires that some players just won't join some campaigns but since the campaigns are designed to be limited they have future options.

Many players have a model that everyone gets to join the campaign because they are playing with friends but this model can lead to both GM and players being frustrated by not making it clear what kind of game is being run.

Session 0 or a synopsis approach can help make this work better.

As a repair to your current situation, why not give the player more information about how to make their background fit into your world. Practice a "Yes, and ..." approach where your players can add to your world. It helps make your world feel more alive to that player if they had input into it.

Jeux Fictifs

First Post
Je les invite à une rencontre de jeu de rôle en ne leur disant pas quel jeu , le thème, la mécanique pour résoudre les actions.
Surprise les joueurs , nous allons jouer des pirates.
Ce sera bien d'attaquer des navires rempli d'or.

Voilà pourquoi ces joueurs avaient leur propre objectif dans cette aventure.

Ton personnage nain débarque du navire de pirates car il doit tuer un dragon.
Ta dame pirate ne partira pas en mer, sans son conjoint.
Ton personnage barbare à toi reste abord parce que tu veus recruter les pirates pour aller tuer un sorcier.


I invite them to a role-playing encounter by not telling them what game, theme, mechanics to solve the actions.
Surprise the players, let's play pirates.
It will be good to attack ships filled with gold.

That's why these players had their own goal in this adventure.

Your dwarf character disembarks from the pirate ship because he has to kill a dragon.
Your pirate lady will not go to sea without her husband.
Your barbarian character remains you because you want to recruit the pirates to go and kill a sorcerer.


First Post
I guess you need flexibility.

  1. The pirate lady discovers her lost husband was kidnapped by other pirates, so she can plunder (as a pirate) ships to get the money for the ransom, or she can muster a pirate force to attack them.
  2. The dwarf discovers that a bunch of paladins and clerics ousted the dragon, who carried the treasure to a remote island to be aloof. Other pirates may be aware of it, so it could become a race. And after the race and defeating the dragon, the logistic for carrying a treasure and not being stolen by pirates.
  3. If the sorcerer is not very detailed, why not a pirate sorcerer? Or the counselor of a powerful pirate lord?

Jeux Fictifs

First Post
Je comprend ce que tu parle par flexibilité mais tes suggestions me prouve juste de les objectifs personnels des personnages-joueurs doivent être intégré dans ton scénario. Sans tenir compte de ton travail en préparation.

Oubli les pirates mais suppose que tu dois faire une démonstration d'un jeu de rôle spécifique dans une convention.
Exemple : Würm , un jeu de rôle français avec un thème dans la préhistoire. Dans lequel les personnages sont des cro-magnons et néanderthals.
Comment être flexible pour ceux qui va se présenté dans la minute jouer avec toi pour seulement quatre heures.

Devrais-je rajouté une race des nains et un dragon , juste pour plaire à un joueur.

Pourquoi préparer si je dois modifier mon scénario pour plaire aux joueurs. Aussi bien improvisé l'aventure avec les objectifs des joueurs. Comme cela j'aurais le nain tueur de dragons, la princesse qui cherche son prince et l'autre pourra faire son contrebandier avec son vaisseau spatiale dans mon jeu au temps préhistorique.

Comme cela chacun des joueurs sera content.

== == == ==

I understand what you speak by flexibility but your suggestions just prove to me the personal goals of the players must be integrated into your scenario. Regardless of your work in preparation.

Forget the pirates but assume you have to do a demonstration of a specific role-playing game in a convention.
Example: Würm, a French role-playing game with a theme in prehistory. In which the characters are cro-magnons and neanderthals.
How to be flexible for those who will show up in the minute play with you for only four hours.

Should I add a breed of dwarves and a dragon, just to please a player.

Why prepare if I have to modify my scenario to please the players. Also improvised adventure with the goals of the players. Like that I would have the dwarf dragon killer, the princess who is looking for her prince and the other can make her smuggler with her spaceship in my game in préhistorique time.

So that every player will be happy.
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Jeux Fictifs

First Post
Flexibility for all

Why I have to forget my story to complete each player's wish.
Most of the time, the player does not come to play with a good story.
Because they choose the new original stories for their characters
No, they have a story that copies that of a film or manga character.

Remember the time when we had plenty of Conan the Barbarian around our role-playing tables of Dungeons & Dragons.
Have you change your dungeon exploration campaigns for each of Conan to become King.
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41st lv DM
The game you're playing is NOT all about you. If you think it is? Save everyone a bunch of trouble & just go write your novel.
Nor is it all about the players.
It's a mix. And it always has been.

As the DM: You owe it to the players to give them a general idea of what type of game to expect to be playing in. What type of game you want to run. Or what you don't want to run.... If you don't? Well, you'll get all kinds of characters that don't fit with whatever you're imagining. And that's all your fault.

As the player: It's important to make a character that'll fit the game that's going to be run.
You want to be a dwarf who's end goal is to fight a dragon who's stolen the clans treasure? That's great. Now tie that into being a pirate.

And as the DM? If a player brings a character that's truly incompatible with the game to be played? Learn to say "No."

As for a game at a convention? This is not usually a problem. You enter a short description of the game & that's what runs, whoever shows up, whatever they bring. In fact, many convention games also provide pre-made characters.

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