the Jester
True. In my campaign, Drow are not a pc race option. They are mysterious, almost never seen, demon-touched, insanity-ridden monsters.
Core game premise first, PC options second. If it doesn’t fit the premise, it doesn’t belong in the game. Doesn’t matter what book it’s in. So sometimes true, sometimes false. The “always” makes it really hard to answer true. Unless you alwys play in the same world and a core bit violates that world.Once again. . .
The premise:
True or False: "When Running a 5E Campaign I Always Ban at Least One Core Race, Class, or Sub-Class"
Note, it says "CORE" for the purposes of this poll not allowing stuff from non-Core books is not "banning" it is "not using an option," which is different.
This is the ideal.False. I'm not the one who bans anything...that rests firmly on the shoulders of the players.
When we roll up new characters at 1st level, the players are allowed to use any race or class they want--not just in Core, either, but also in splatbooks like Xanathar's and Tasha's. When they're done and the characters are finished, I remove almost all of the unused options from the game. Why would I need a ton of story and lore for Dwarves, Artificers, Gnomes, and Warlocks, if nobody at the table is ever going to play them?
I need it for when I grind their characters up into a fine, pink slurry and they want to roll up something different.False. I'm not the one who bans anything...that rests firmly on the shoulders of the players.
When we roll up new characters at 1st level, the players are allowed to use any race or class they want--not just in Core, either, but also in splatbooks like Xanathar's and Tasha's. When they're done and the characters are finished, I remove almost all of the unused options from the game. Why would I need a ton of story and lore for Dwarves, Artificers, Gnomes, and Warlocks, if nobody at the table is ever going to play them?