D&D 5E Where are the heirs to the 32 page adventure format?


After a frustrating session last weekend with an attempt to run a fun dungeon as a side quest, I'm left again wanting some additional backup material to have on hand in the future.
Apparently, the OAR (Original Adventures Reincarnated) line from Goodman isn't what I'm wanting - they apparently don't translate well to 5e and modern playstyles.
I'm looking for stuff that's basically like the AEG pamphlet adventures from 3.x, like this one... Against the Barrow King - Alderac Entertainment Group | Adventure Boosters | DriveThruRPG.com
Or Goodman's Dungeon Crawl Classic adventures from the same era, like this one... Dungeon Crawl Classics #1: Idylls of the Rat King - Goodman Games | 3E Products | DCC 3E Adventures | DriveThruRPG.com
Or some of those classic Necromancer Games adventures, like this one... The Crucible of Freya - Necromancer | Modern Necromancer | DriveThruRPG.com
Or even some of the shorter WotC adventures like Sons of Gruumsh (3.5) - Wizards of the Coast | Dungeons & Dragons 3.x | Forgotten Realms 3.x | Dungeons & Dragons 3.x | Forgotten Realms | Dungeon Masters Guild
Like just essentially something with the essence of a story that I can drop anytime I need an adventure location that isn't a huge, empty area for me to populate on my own, or with a massive intricate story that goes on for 12 pages.
Just drop it in there, let my players fight some monsters, avoid a couple traps, earn some treasure.
Does this type of product even exist anymore?

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I would say that most of the campaigns released by WOC are now this kind of adventure, just bundled together. Candlekeep, Radiant Citadel, Curse of Strahd, Rime of the Frostmaiden, Tomb of Annihilation… all just collections of side quests.

Alternatively just convert from AD&D which had tons of them.


I would say that most of the campaigns released by WOC are now this kind of adventure, just bundled together. Candlekeep, Radiant Citadel, Curse of Strahd, Rime of the Frostmaiden, Tomb of Annihilation… all just collections of side quests.
Not exactly what I'm looking for, at least considering Strahd, Frostmaiden, and Annihilation (which I've run). Most of those side areas are 1-2 encounters at best. Not even enough for an hour of play.
Alternatively just convert from AD&D which had tons of them.
Defeating the purpose of having something ready to go at a moment's notice.
Not to mention the older style adventures aren't really compatible with modern design. Those classic dungeons are at least 60% empty corridors.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Defeating the purpose of having something ready to go at a moment's notice.
Not to mention the older style adventures aren't really compatible with modern design. Those classic dungeons are at least 60% empty corridors.

Eh, I have found that you can run AD&D modules on the fly in 5e. It's really not hard.

But more importantly .... 60% empty corridors? What are you talking about? I can think of reasons not to play earlier adventurers, but ... that's not one of them.


Eh, I have found that you can run AD&D modules on the fly in 5e. It's really not hard.

But more importantly .... 60% empty corridors? What are you talking about? I can think of reasons not to play earlier adventurers, but ... that's not one of them.
Hey, that's my group's complaint. The players (largely ages 13-19) were bored out of their minds having only rooms with interesting descriptions to engage with. Even the threat of wandering monsters couldn't keep them engaged. If there's not some action or devious traps around every corner, they'd rather be doing something else.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Hey, that's my group's complaint. The players (largely ages 13-19) were bored out of their minds having only rooms with interesting descriptions to engage with. Even the threat of wandering monsters couldn't keep them engaged. If there's not some action or devious traps around every corner, they'd rather be doing something else.

Eh, I don't think that's the case with most 1e modules (B1, B2, and B3 obviously excepted!).

That said, some people just need more constant excitement....


Voidrunner's Codex

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