D&D 5E Where are the heirs to the 32 page adventure format?


I'd check out some of the Paizo Pathfinder Society scenarios. They should be pretty easy to convert to 5E. I'd also suggest Adventure league, but I can not speak to their quality and layout as I can for PFS.
The Adventure League has been very hit-or-miss, IME. You're pretty likely to get a talky adventure or mystery - and really no way to distinguish between them.
(Some kind of universal labelling system would help all products, honestly. There's no way of knowing what kind of group a particular adventure could be enjoyed by. Heck, most of the time they don't even give levels.)

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
The Adventure League has been very hit-or-miss, IME. You're pretty likely to get a talky adventure or mystery - and really no way to distinguish between them.
(Some kind of universal labelling system would help all products, honestly. There's no way of knowing what kind of group a particular adventure could be enjoyed by. Heck, most of the time they don't even give levels.)
At the time I was into PFS, the forums were very active about the scenarios. You got a good idea of the feel from discussing with the community. Again, I dont know if folks do the same for Adventure league, but if they do you should be able to lock in on the best adventures for your needs.


Krampus ate my d20s
So your group wants 'all killa, no filla'? Like an Action RPG? That is a different ask than a 32-page adventure.
Fill the 60% empty halls with random mooks, echoing other monsters in the dungeon. Vary the CR from laughable to challenging. Should keep the group hopping without making you burn out.
Hey, that's my group's complaint. The players (largely ages 13-19) were bored out of their minds having only rooms with interesting descriptions to engage with. Even the threat of wandering monsters couldn't keep them engaged. If there's not some action or devious traps around every corner, they'd rather be doing something else.


Book-Friend, he/him
Not exactly what I'm looking for, at least considering Strahd, Frostmaiden, and Annihilation (which I've run). Most of those side areas are 1-2 encounters at best. Not even enough for an hour of play.

Defeating the purpose of having something ready to go at a moment's notice.
Not to mention the older style adventures aren't really compatible with modern design. Those classic dungeons are at least 60% empty corridors.
You might want to check out the explicitly anthology books, like Candlekeep Mysteries or Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel. Much more meaty they episodic and unconnected Modules.

Aside from yhst, the format is alive digitally, primarily Through the DMsGuild. In print, 32 pages is probably not worth the overhead for publishers.


Troll Lord games has quite a few modules they converted over to 5E. Looks like the C modules are in a discounted bundle too.

But honestly, 5E really isn't that fun of a system for classic dungeon crawls past Level 3 in my experience. It really is set up for giant grandiose campaigns. Since I made the switch to other systems like Worlds Without Number, Castles & Crusades, and OSE for that style of module play, I've been a lot happier. Oh, and you can download the rules for all of them for free.
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But honestly, 5E really isn't that fun of a system for classic dungeon crawls past Level 3 in my experience. It really is set up for giant grandiose campaigns.
Yeah, I can see that. It's depending on what you mean by "classic," though. A dungeon meant to shave off resources and reward clever exploration - no, I don't think that would work. A dungeon as an encounter flowchart designed to lead the party to a variety of exciting combats and thrilling traps, I think that can work.

Since I made the switch to other systems like Worlds Without Number, Castles & Crusades, and OSE for that style of module play, I've been a lot happier. Oh, and you can download the rules for all of them for free.
It's "D&D5e"(tm) or nothing for these players. And honestly (having read them and played them myself), I don't think they'd be satisfied with any of those other systems.

My idea is something like the following: The party is wrecked on an island and needs to investigate the ruined tower to stop the curse before nightfall. A thieves guild has stolen a McGuffin and the party needs to retrieve it ASAP. The townsfolk have been unable to visit the cemetery since ghouls infested and carved out a network of tunnels - maybe it has something to do with the sarcophagus recently interred in the mausoleum. Who has replaced the prize-winning lager with amber oozes, which are now running amok at the beerfest?

Lots here.

Or here if you prefer Drivethru:

Or the Warlock ones found here:




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