D&D 5E Where are the heirs to the 32 page adventure format?


Yeah, I can see that. It's depending on what you mean by "classic," though. A dungeon meant to shave off resources and reward clever exploration - no, I don't think that would work. A dungeon as an encounter flowchart designed to lead the party to a variety of exciting combats and thrilling traps, I think that can work.

It's "D&D5e"(tm) or nothing for these players. And honestly (having read them and played them myself), I don't think they'd be satisfied with any of those other systems.

My idea is something like the following: The party is wrecked on an island and needs to investigate the ruined tower to stop the curse before nightfall. A thieves guild has stolen a McGuffin and the party needs to retrieve it ASAP. The townsfolk have been unable to visit the cemetery since ghouls infested and carved out a network of tunnels - maybe it has something to do with the sarcophagus recently interred in the mausoleum. Who has replaced the prize-winning lager with amber oozes, which are now running amok at the beerfest?
They’re not all like that.

Doom of Daggerdale is an excellent adventure with cool encounters and an interesting mystery.


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Victoria Rules
I keep coming up empty handed when I try the Frog God stuff. I don't know why - but they're missing the charm, danger, and character of the 3.x Necromancer Games releases. Maybe it could be that there's too much Lost Lands setting stuff in them? Or too much intricate plotting that "has to go a certain way" for the adventure to work?
Keep in mind the old axiom 'some adventures read better than they play while others play better then they read'.

Oftentimes one can't tell which is which until after running them.

But if, as it seems, you're specifically looking for a compilation Adventures For Players With Short Attention Spans, I got nothin'. :)

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
For low-level short adventure, I'm partial to the regional adventure anthology of AiME (wilderland adventure, adventure in Eriador etc) many short dungeons or adventures that can form an overarching plot if you wish to. Each one is separated from the previous or next one by a ''Fellowship phase'', meaning a very long rest of a few weeks or months.

Tales from the Old Magreve from KP is also good for more fae-ish adventuring.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
En5ider releases one every month for 5+ years now.
Can you tell us (well, at least me) more about these? I didn't see anything in the EN Publishing link at the top of this page - unless you mean the ENSider? I thought that was an anthology magazine?

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Can you tell us (well, at least me) more about these? I didn't see anything in the EN Publishing link at the top of this page - unless you mean the ENSider? I thought that was an anthology magazine?
Via EN5ider you get one shots, interesting villages, classes, magic items, spells and more.

Some elements have appeared in EN publishing anthologies later, but on initial release it's like subscribing to classic D&D magazines


I don't know. I've never seen one before. I've never recalled seeing one at a FLGS or even at the Goodman booths at the conventions I've attended. Maybe I can look into it a little more?
We used Glitterdoom as one of the first adventures in our 5E campaign, and I've read a few more since. They're pretty solid, kind of like less weird DCC adventures (though Glitterdoom still has some weird).


All sorts of these adventures still come out from 3pp. I disagree that the WOTC adventures fit this bill aside from the obvious anthologies. Yes the material can be extracted for such use but out of the box just use the chapter? No. There are threads that tie them all together outside of those anthology books. THat requires some work and while some people are ok with that, that isn't the same thing as slapping down Against the Giants or Sailors on the Starless Sea or Keep on the Borderlands.

Goodman, Legendary Games, Frog God/Necromancer all produce excellent adventures in that classic 18-32 page signature (that's why they were the page count they were, it was one signature of a book in a print shop) adventure format plus you can find Kickstarters everyday for people continuing to publish adventures that cover various edition formats and even games like Kickstarters that cover 5e and DCC or 5e and Pathfinder or OSE for example. WOTC might not do them but they are still very much a part of the D&D business.

Voidrunner's Codex

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