D&D Movie/TV Where is all of the Honor Among Thieves D&D stuff, WotC?

No, they both feature a single location (the same location, in fact) that is also used in the movie.

In no way does something hidden in the middle of Frostmaiden serve as a "hey, kids, did you like the movie? You should try actually playing D&D!" tie-in.

Unless you have a citation for this, this is wild nonsense. Hasbro makes movie-tie in crap for a living. If they somehow licensed their own intellectual property and didn't include the ability to make toys surrounding it in the contract, everyone would and should have been fired by the board when it was discovered.

Honestly, them screwing up by not producing movie tie-in game products is a much smaller screw up than "gee, we forgot to secure the rights to produce movie tie-in products TO OUR OWN GAME," which is a "keep these people away from sharp objects and kitchen appliances" level screw up.
I mean, for all we know they are planning a blast of digital free movie tie-in material. Throw up a commercial for D&D Beyond before the movie, push Chris Pine and Michele Rodriguez face on social media links to D&D Beyond, etc.

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I mean, for all we know they are planning a blast of digital free movie tie-in material. Throw up a commercial for D&D Beyond before the movie, push Chris Pine and Michele Rodriguez face on social media links to D&D Beyond, etc.
That'd be better than nothing -- but still not as good as a box at Target, Walmart, Barnes & Noble and FLGSes with Regé-Jean Page smoldering at potential customers.

I hope I'm wrong and WotC blitzes the crap out of the non-D&D public with "here's how to play this game" stuff over the next two months. I will happily eat my pointy hat.

That'd be better than nothing -- but still not as good as a box at Target, Walmart, Barnes & Noble and FLGSes with Regé-Jean Page smoldering at potential customers.

I hope I'm wrong and WotC blitzes the crap out of the non-D&D public with "here's how to play this game" stuff over the next two months. I will happily eat my pointy hat.
Yeah, it doesn't sound like they are doing that with FLGS...but in my experience, that's probably not where curious impulse buyers would look. It will be interesting to see what comes about.

Yeah, it doesn't sound like they are doing that with FLGS...but in my experience, that's probably not where curious impulse buyers would look. It will be interesting to see what comes about.
Wouldn't it be better to put it not just in FLGS but also like Walmarts or something as well?

Honestly, them screwing up by not producing movie tie-in game products is a much smaller screw up than "gee, we forgot to secure the rights to produce movie tie-in products TO OUR OWN GAME," which is a "keep these people away from sharp objects and kitchen appliances" level screw up.
You say that like you think it's unlikely. Have you ever met a senior management team?!

But in this case it's the seller (Paramount) why decides who they sell the toy licences too. Hasbro are not making the movie, they simply sold the D&D licence to someone else.

You say that like you think it's unlikely. Have you ever met a senior management team?!

But in this case it's the seller (Paramount) why decides who they sell the toy licences too. Hasbro are not making the movie, they simply sold the D&D licence to someone else.
Yest have you.notived how the merchandise is all being produced by Hasbro or Hasbro's usual partners...?

Reversing the tables on control and profit from the merchandise is why Hasbro got into making films of their own IP: same thing with Transformers or My Little Pony.

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