No, they both feature a single location (the same location, in fact) that is also used in the movie.
In no way does something hidden in the middle of Frostmaiden serve as a "hey, kids, did you like the movie? You should try actually playing D&D!" tie-in.
Unless you have a citation for this, this is wild nonsense. Hasbro makes movie-tie in crap for a living. If they somehow licensed their own intellectual property and didn't include the ability to make toys surrounding it in the contract, everyone would and should have been fired by the board when it was discovered.
Honestly, them screwing up by not producing movie tie-in game products is a much smaller screw up than "gee, we forgot to secure the rights to produce movie tie-in products TO OUR OWN GAME," which is a "keep these people away from sharp objects and kitchen appliances" level screw up.