Where to find Morrus, EN World, & EN Publishing

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Had Musk created a holding company called X or why not Evil Overlord Inc that would be one thing.
He did, actually. X Corp. is the holding company he used to buy Twitter last year. In April he merged Twitter into X so that the company named Twitter no longer existed: Twitter “no longer exists” as a company, merges into Musk’s X Corp

My brain hurts because of how dumb this move is when I think about it.
Musk has been obsessed with the letter X since the 90s. And the 90s were obsessed with the letter X in marketing - everything was X-treme, the X-men were the hottest comics on the stands, and let's not forget the X-games.

There was a good discussion the other day about his obsession with the X.com brand - which he has owned the URL for since the days when his x.com company merged with Confinity and eventually became PayPal. This seems mostly about him trying to go back to those late 90s/early 00s days when his plans to create an all-encompassing finanical app were thwarted by the board of Confinity throwing him out in favor of creating a profitable company that became PayPal.


The signup page still has a big modal box saying "Join Twitter today" (with a little X above that). When you close it, you get taken to the X splash page.

I totally would trust this team with my financial transactions.

Or my Mars colony.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Mod Note:
Folks, this really isn't the forum for general commentary about Twitter/X/Musk. If you must, please take that over to the Geek Talk forum. Thanks.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
He can name the parent company any letter he likes, but Twitter is also the brand.

Rebranding one of the most recognized global brands on a whim seems... ill-advised. Or advised by too many rails of cocaine.
Very ill-advised. The rest of my planned commentary was ruined by @Umbran being so damned reasonable upthread lol
Hot take: being rich is not the same thing as being smart.
Yes. See above.

This seems mostly about him trying to go back to those late 90s/early 00s days when his plans to create an all-encompassing finanical app were thwarted by the board of Confinity throwing him out in favor of creating a profitable company that became PayPal.
Oof. What a foolish thing to do, and foolish motivations for doing so.

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