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Where to Next?


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As I hear it, the group ended up a Northwest of the manor. So, what next? I heard that some of us think we've got enough information. Personally, I think there is more to be done, but if the majority of the group is happy to just simply carry out the letter of our duty, Li will go along with it.

My suggestion is as follows:
We take the survivors to Stormhaven, spend time training, and try to get a messaghe to Lord Tannerson to see what he would have us do. Ideally, we would confront the Gnolls again after we train, but that is up to the group.

What do other people think?

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No suggestions, agreements or rebuttals? Surely the group has some thoughts on what you want to be doing?


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I know you really want to train Li, but leaving now would be a really bad idea, despite what other party members say. As some of you may have gathered from other discussions we've had in the past, I have apparently fallen out of favor with Lady Felicia. I am starting to realize why this might be the case, as well as how her power functions in this realm. Ultimately, I believe that leaving now would vastly INCREASE the power driving this gnoll army. Though we may return a level higher, the challenge would be all that more difficult. Additionally, I would much prefer to deal with this problem now, rather than devote so many extra months because I am sure there are other places where we can make a name for ourselves. Tyrm particularly is insistant that we have enough information to return, but really what information do we have. We know there are more gnolls than originally thought and that they are better organized than we thought. If we go back with that, Lord Tannerson would probably think we were the most worthless group in the world. We haven't done anything yet, and it is my intention to change that. My power has grown at a bit of a faster pace than most of the rest of you, so you may not yet have fallen from favor with Lady Felicia, though I assure you that when you do, you probably won't be too happy when she starts draining your powers. Leaving now would definitely upset her. I will continue on and do what I can to fix this problem now. If any of the rest of you will join me, I would greatly welcome the help, but right now I would prefer even death to running away from this challenge.


Hey, in all fairness all the exp in the world doesn't do a dead person any good. :D Just keep yourselves alive and you will be OK.


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I do not believe Lady Felicia advocates reckless actions. I feel that leaving, to save people (by finding proper care) would not be against Lady Felica's wishes. In fact, saving people would only increase our legend, since I'm sure these people will speak to others of the daring adventurers who saved them.


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If we were to go back with a few survivors, that might be a good thing, but then we'll tell somebody about how many gnolls there are and the types of things they are doing, and suddenly their legend would be increasing much faster than ours. Plus, there might be more survivors out there that we haven't come across yet. We need to know exactly what we are dealing with, not a bunch of vague information. As I said before, I will be continuing on until I feel that I have accomplished enough or at least have enough info to KNOW that we cannot take on these gnolls ourselves. I don't intend to get myself killed, but I won't run away from a problem before I even know the details of it. And FYI, I believe I have enough experience now to level up, so my not wanting to go back right now isn't for that reason.

By returning now we would gain more power, but the gnolls, as Ceru said, would gain even more power. Also, the gnolls are still at large which means that if action isn't taken now, they could kill hundreds, or even thousands more by the time we get back. If we really want to save lives, then hundreds is more worth it than the four or five we have found now. Felix does agree with Ceru. Felicia will only grow angry with the rest of us. We are becoming powerful, but we don't have much to show for it.


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Sounds good to me. While I would prefer getting these people to safety, I am willing to go ahead with hunting the gnolls.


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OOC: I don't know if anybody told you already Li, but the woman and the boy are back at the Merinthian manor. The only person with us right now is some dude who doesn't remember his name.

Don't worry, we'll get everybody back safely. For now though, let's go thrash some gnolls!


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I have been told about leaving the survivors at the manor, I just don't feel that we should leave them there for too long.

And I heard about the spirit wolf. Two words: bad ass.

Voidrunner's Codex

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