D&D General Which edition of D&D did you grow up with?

Which edition did you start with?


Started on BECMI for a couple of years and switched to 2E and played 1E with some older players.

I'll vote 2E I suppose as we played that one a lot more. In 94 we only played 1.5 hours a week after school. In 95 picked up 2E.

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ᚳᚣᚾᛖᚹᚢᛚᚠ (He/Him/His)
Started with BXCMI, didn't so much as switch to 1e AD&D as rather played them both until 2e AD&D which is what I grew up with.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
My mom got me the Basic D&D Rules Set (Red Box) for my 13th birthday, and I was hooked immediately. I traded my favorite X-Men comic book for the Expert D&D Rules Set and Module X1 (Blue Box) with a kid at school. I played those B/X sets until the covers wore out, and I dreamed of being able to purchase all FIVE boxed sets someday.

Alas, it wasn't meant to be. They were all out of print just a couple of years later, and I had to settle for the Rules Cyclopedia. It is still my favorite D&D book of all time, and I played it all through the rest of the 80s and the entire 1990s...but man, I really wish they had kept the original Larry Elmore artwork throughout.

Well, I'm a grown-up now, with a grown-up job and a grown-up eBay account. So I'm slowly acquiring those boxed sets, one by one, and I will have them all someday. Of course, if WotC would just make them available for Print On Demand for crying out loud, it would save me a lot of time and frustration.

Ah, nostalgia.


Started with Holmes. My girl friend and I split the book cost, but I ultimately ended up with it. It was 1981 I think. Another friend took interest and got me the red box for Christmas the following year, I think. Anyway, we were a group of nerdy girls playing,which was different. My one friend went on to Advanced, but I never liked that version.
My first true RPG love was Warhammer. Went back to DnD with 3e.

I only really started playing D&D at the table with 3rd edition (played mostly Shadowrun 2e before). If we include CRPGs, though, that changes to AD&D 2nd.


I started with the Red Box as a player. I didn’t really understand what was going on until Dragon Quest (the boxed set thing like Dragonstrike) board game. That got me to DM from there it was 2e as player and then DM’ing.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I kind of feel like this poll is a slightly long winded way of asking if you're a (70s, 80s, 90s, 00s) kid, except the 80s has 2 options. :)

Edit: And the 90s kids are bundled with the 80s kids!


Edit: And the 90s kids are bundled with the 80s kids!
This. I was born in 1981 and started playing D&D at age 13 in 1994. 2e was the edition of choice at that time. I didn't play a game of 1e until recently (when 5e was still in playtesting, one of my groups did a mini tour of the previous editions; that was my first taste of 1e).


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I only really started playing D&D at the table with 3rd edition (played mostly Shadowrun 2e before). If we include CRPGs, though, that changes to AD&D 2nd.
I feel like getting onboard D&D because of the CRPGs is its own separate formative experience. I only bought my first D&D book because of Pool of Radiance, and I had the books for almost 2 years before I ever actually played a real game.

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