D&D General Which Enworlders do you want to game with?

I'm sure we'll be fine. I'm just that kinda roleplayer who puts a d6 hit dice character into a precarious situation because of her extreme emotional state and terror of losing a goblin.
In the adventure I am currently playing in, a fellow player and I are playing goblinoids. ;) I am playing a Bugbear Ranger (Gloom Stalker). My fellow player is playing as a Goblin Druid (Circle of the Shepherd).

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Follower of the Way
So... Let's say that you did get your favourite group of ENWorld people together...

... how long would the discussion/argument about what exactly to play last?
Only a reasonable amount of time, at least for me. Either a couple hours if we do it as an active, focused pre-game discussion (not quite "session zero," more like "prep for session zero"), or a week-ish if we do it as a passive "drop comments in the discord and we'll vote on it" or the like. I have strong opinions but I also respect others' preferences and strive for consensus and diplomacy. I would be opposed to playing 3e or 5e, but might be open to variants thereof (e.g. a gonzo PF1e game, a 5e game that would let me playtest the PrC I wrote, maybe even an A5E game if given some strong assurances that the system won't be misused in ways I have personally suffered under DMs misusing 5e), and I'm always up for a non-grimdark PbtA system, 4e, 13th Age, or a handful of other systems I've played and liked. Other than outright horrible offensive games (I mean games that are openly racist or the like), the combination of homebrew/houserules, DM assurances, and group preferences can go quite a long way toward making a system compatible with my interests. Such things don't require a long conversation. E.g.:

DM: "Hey, I'm hoping to run 5e, what do you guys think?"
Enworlder A: "Sounds great to me!"
Enworlder 1: "sure, no prob"
Enworlder Prime: "I was thinking PF2e, but 5e is fine too."
Me: "Well, as you probably know I have my... issues...with 5e. Would we be allowed to use homebrew and supplements with approval?"
DM: "Sure, with approval. A5E stuff you can presume is pre-approved, but run it by me just to be sure. Did you have any homebrew you want me to look at?"
Me: "Yeah, I wrote a 'Silver Pyromancer' PrC that I've been hoping to test. I'll send you the link. Since this is a playtest, if anything ends up too strong (or weak), I would want to work with you to fix it."
DM: "Hmm...seems alright as it is. What class?"
Me: "Sorcerer. I've written up the character mechanics, have a story that should be adaptable to most games."
DM: "Alright. Same goes for you all too, if you have some homebrew you want to use, lay it on me."
Enworlder A: "Nah, I'm good."
Enworlder 1: "ooh theres an alternate take on the circle of stars id like to check out"

Etc., etc.

It's not a trivial task, but an hour or two of discussion should hammer out 99% of the issues and all of the deal breakers if they can be hammered out at all...and should reveal it if any can't.


Victoria Rules
So... Let's say that you did get your favourite group of ENWorld people together...

... how long would the discussion/argument about what exactly to play last?
If I was the DM, considerably less than a minute.

And had I been careful as to who I'd invited to play I might not even have to go and recruit another group... :)


So... Let's say that you did get your favourite group of ENWorld people together...

... how long would the discussion/argument about what exactly to play last?

Well when you eventually give in and let me run Call of Cthulhu instead of D&D, I suspect the argument will have been be longer, than the time it takes for me to get the first TPK.

Voidrunner's Codex

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