D&D General How to be a Better DM: One Size Doesn't Fit All

So rather than acknowledging that you made an overbroad statement you respond by making an even more ridiculous and overbroad statement? Ok.

I mean how is it the least bit controversial to state presenting an issue to a large group of like minded and experienced people may come up with solutions you yourself may not have thought of?
Again, I did not say the person with the table problem would have come up with the same solution. I said they could solve it themselves, and often do it better. How is my statement controversial? I honestly don't understand.

My point was that the internet-armchair psychologist is probably not as good as dealing with internal conflicts at a table as you yourself are. My reasoning was because I assumed the person with said problem knew the people at their table better than anyone on an internet forum could have. I was wrong and have stated as much. I'm sorry if that was not clear.

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I take what all of you say as truth. My bad for overestimating people's problem-solving skills

That’s a really passive aggressive way to respond.

“I realize I was wrong….you guys aren’t lying, you’re just bad at problem solving!”

There’s nothing wrong with my problem solving skills, nor I expect anyone else’s here. Seeking new perspectives and alternate opinions is a pretty time tested and healthy way of solving problems, bub.

Again, I did not say the person with the table problem would have come up with the same solution. I said they could solve it themselves, and often do it better. How is my statement controversial? I honestly don't understand.

Because it basically says that people are better off not seeking help or advice or new perspectives. Seems a pretty bad take for just about anything, I’d say.

That’s a really passive aggressive way to respond.

“I realize I was wrong….you guys aren’t lying, you’re just bad at problem solving!”

There’s nothing wrong with my problem solving skills, nor I expect anyone else’s here. Seeking new perspectives and alternate opinions is a pretty time tested and healthy way of solving problems, bub.
I agree. I don't think there is anything wrong with anyone's problem solving skills that posts here. Almost everyone I have seen is thoughtful, full of intellect, and even (although some may disagree) empathetic. The fact that you are all that is why I don't understand. I am sorry if it came across as passive aggressive. It wasn't meant that way. It was meant to come across as confused. Almost everyone here is all those things I listed, so I assumed you would handle internal table problems better than those on the outside. Again, I was wrong. Apologies.

Thomas Shey

I agree. I don't think there is anything wrong with anyone's problem solving skills that posts here. Almost everyone I have seen is thoughtful, full of intellect, and even (although some may disagree) empathetic. The fact that you are all that is why I don't understand. I am sorry if it came across as passive aggressive. It wasn't meant that way. It was meant to come across as confused. Almost everyone here is all those things I listed, so I assumed you would handle internal table problems better than those on the outside. Again, I was wrong. Apologies.

The issue is that outsiders aren't the ones "handling" the table problem, because they don't have enough context. But they can give you ideas that lead you in the right direction because they don't also have your blindspots.


I don't doubt that people can find ideas on a forum they find beneficial. It might even increase their "fun." What I doubt is the fact they needed a forum for it. They could have come up with it on their own - and it might have been better. In my opinion, it probably would have been, not just better, but more fun.

And like I said, a quick solution to something, yup. That happens. A "table problem?" No, I doubt it.
Need is a strong word. Useful would be a better one.

that’s why old days things like Dungeon, dragon, white dwarf magazines ( among others)were useful. Brought new ideas you may or may not have come up with


Morkus from Orkus
I don't doubt that people can find ideas on a forum they find beneficial. It might even increase their "fun." What I doubt is the fact they needed a forum for it. They could have come up with it on their own - and it might have been better. In my opinion, it probably would have been, not just better, but more fun.

And like I said, a quick solution to something, yup. That happens. A "table problem?" No, I doubt it.
There have been multiple ideas here that I could have come up with(monkeys typing Shakespeare and all that), but probably never would have. I credit this forum and those who posted them with those ideas.

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