D&D General Which material planes do you like in your cosmology?

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Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
It can be a complication but also doesn't have to be.

Those 2 planes are 4e/5e constructs, but when you decide to use a fantasy setting, you can choose which edition version of it to use. It doesn't have to have a Feywild just because 5e has a bunch of spells or abilities that require it, just like it doesn't have to have Dragonborn or Warlocks just because they are in the PHB.

I would probably let the Ethereal, Feywild and Shadowfell be unique rather than multiple, and then decide if a material world is connected to each depending on whether it has for example ghosts and faeries.
Sure, I was just speaking to my own preference for the positive (Feywild) and negative (Shadowfell) material planes to have a 1:1 relationship to a specific prime material plane, like the way Aman is related to Middle-earth in Tolkien's legendarium.

Also, the positive and negative material planes are present in the AD&D 1st Ed. PHB. I like to use the Feywild and the Shadowfell in place of those two material planes of which I feel they are the latest version.

As far as canned settings, I've used Greyhawk in a couple games I've run.

My latest game takes place in an unnamed world. The action so far has focused on a city called Ekuepool and the vast bog that surrounds it.


Follower of the Way
I don't really have any specific preferences for which material planes show up if I'm custom-making a cosmology. That is, I usually prefer the freedom to build the setting from scratch if I'm doing something custom, and if I'm not doing something custom...I'll just use whatever that setting implies/requires.


Great Old One
Not all crystal spheres are travelable to. I remember reading in Spelljammer that some were unreachable. I think Athas might have been one of them.
I have looked at my Spelljammer books, and this is what the Complete Spacefarer's Handbook says: "Athas. The world of the DARK SUN™ campaign is not on the spacelanes where Realmspace, Krynn-space, and Greyspace can be found. No spelljammer travels its skies; no ancient tome tells of the routes to its crystal sphere. Whether it is unreachable by spelljammer or merely so far from these worlds that any journey would take lifetimes is unknown. The current inhabitants of Athas have no knowledge of spelljamming. There is no way to know whether the closely guarded library of some sorcerer-king conceals an ancient tome revealing the basic concepts of wildspace. Even if such a tome were
found, the defiling power of such powerful magic would certainly wreak havoc on the fragile balance of life on Athas."

So it's undecided, as far as I know, and really up to the DM.


In my cosmology I have the following-

Limbo: This circles the multiverse and is where the outsiders (Outer gods) reside.

Higher Place: This is where beings similar to ST Q, DC Mxy, or DW Eternals reside. They guard and protect the multiverse, but also use lesser beings, meaning everyone else, as toys for their amusement.

Dimensions: These are externals locations that float in the nothingness between planes.

Planes (Branes): They float on the sea of possibilities, like leaves. These can be from solar system to galaxy sized, of which there can be trillions, or more. All of these alternates has another existing alongside it. They all have their own mythic beings, dimensions, and afterlives – some of which are positively grim. These can be separated into Fantasy, High Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction etc.

Shadow: This is the nothingness between planes.

Sea of Possibilities: As per Dark Roads and Golden Hells.

This lets me use all the planar handbooks at the same time, as each one could be its own plane, with its own rules.


Morkus from Orkus
I have looked at my Spelljammer books, and this is what the Complete Spacefarer's Handbook says: "Athas. The world of the DARK SUN™ campaign is not on the spacelanes where Realmspace, Krynn-space, and Greyspace can be found. No spelljammer travels its skies; no ancient tome tells of the routes to its crystal sphere. Whether it is unreachable by spelljammer or merely so far from these worlds that any journey would take lifetimes is unknown. The current inhabitants of Athas have no knowledge of spelljamming. There is no way to know whether the closely guarded library of some sorcerer-king conceals an ancient tome revealing the basic concepts of wildspace. Even if such a tome were
found, the defiling power of such powerful magic would certainly wreak havoc on the fragile balance of life on Athas."

So it's undecided, as far as I know, and really up to the DM.
Which is always the case, unless the group has gone democratic and shares the authority to make those decisions. It would be amusing though, if...

DM: "Okay. Dark Sun is going to be accessible to Spelljammers."
Player 1: "Great! My elven Admiral takes his armada there and the defiling destroys all life on Athas."
DM: "...... So what are we playing next?"


Crown-Forester (he/him)
Per the core rules, I treat Ravenloft not as a Material plane but as a demi-plane wrapped in mists within the Shadowfell.

But one could consider the Shadowfell and Feywild as alternate Material planes, I guess.

I like Athas, Nerath, Eberron, and the 5e Magic planes, and have played with all of these, but for the most part leave them out of my homebrew setting, which has its own mythology and setting. I mine what I can from everything and adapt.

Not a huge fan of Abeir-Toril but I've definitely mined from it too.

Voidrunner's Codex

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