Whispered Rumors


Chaotic Lawkeeper
((Many rumors travel through the busy Rotunda doors, some from within, others from people passing through, some true and some far beyond belief. Add yours to the rumors swirling about the Rotunda!))

*Foodgolem will offer you the latest juicy bits and rumors....for a price, of course.

*The unseen servants that guard the Rotunda are really Gnomes, peeping from cleverly disguised holes in the walls.

*There is access to Undermountain and Skullport somewhere in the Rotunda basement, though Nashira denies the existance of any such access.
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Yet more rumors swirling....

* Strange folk frequent the Rotunda -- drow, Red Wizards, even suspected Harpers!

* One of the gamblers that frequents the Rotunda has far too much luck, and doesn't even seem to be doing the usual 'tilting' of odds with subtle flicks of the wrist and so on...

* A theif broke into the home of a very wealthy couple recently. The theif was caught in the act by the man of the house and both took injury in the ensuing struggle. The theif managed to get away with some of the home's most precious items!

"A rather odd new fashion has broken out among the musically inclined of the town. It seems that everyone nowadays wants a lute, harp, or guitar handcrafted by a particular maker. This is not so unusual in itself, but those who are fortunate enough to have one like to point out the maker's mark of the initials MK below a falling star, and proudly whisper that their instrument was made by a drow."

Devout Dragonkin?

A dragonkin has been seen around and is said to looking for a large sized greatsword that it believes to have been blessed by Bahamut! Could it be true?

* Nashira has begun decorating the Rotunda in typical winter fashion, bringing in boughs and garlands of evergreen and placing candles and oil lamps with bright flames through out to remind visitors of green plants on summer days and warm summer sun.

* Rumor has it Nashira is planning a midwinter ball!

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