Whispered Rumors

Swirling twists of lies and truths part to reveal this rumor.
"Men of ice and snow wearing faces not their own, rise from their graves to menace many common patrons of the Rotunda"
Could it be half-truth or even full? None know save the shadows.

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*Rumors swell that Nashira as well as JeaJea and many otheres died in the fighting pit of the Rotunda recently. It is said their lives were taken by Besheba and the demon lord Graz'zt!!

*It has been whispered in many dark corners and occasionally in open rooms that the scabbard Nashira sheathes her bastard blade in was a gift from Tymora herself!

*It has also been whispered that Nashira seeks the blade that should truly rest inside the scabbard that supposedly is held by Besheba, Tymora's sister and opposite.

* Strange folk in purple robes have been about the city, muttering about a coming "Age of Dragons."

* Rumor has it that a member of the Watch was attacked by a Shade near the Open Lord's palace recently.

*There is a rumor that rare, valuable, and sometimes very powerful items are dissappearing from their owners, sometimes right before their eyes.

*there is another rumor that one of royal draconic blood is living as a peasant.

*And a final, far less widespread rumor, that an apocalyptic war is coming, one that will not be won.

*According to local rumors, a foreign individual hailing, it is said, from lands far across the sea has spoken of sharing the same last name of a citizen of Waterdeep*

*Some speculating - and, some say, disillusioned - sages have rumored that this person is a native of the land called Zakhara, and that this may be the precedent for the merging of two, distinct cultures*

*It is rumored that there have been some trading troubles recently among some noble families of Waterdeep. Is this a matter of bandits or a part of something larger?*

* It's whispered in some quarters that the mage who wields a staff with the power to siphon away one's years -- perhaps even one's soul! -- is in Waterdeep.

* The purple-robed mages have been seen lurking about the streets of Waterdeep, usually after dark.

* Shar's faithful have been quietly prostelytizing, it seems...and folk are seeming surprised at their rumored numbers.

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