Throughout the past ten day or so, the following rumors have been circulating:
*The famous (or infamous, depending on whom you speak to) Khaira Amastacia, Bardess Extraordinnaire, has been seen about Waterdeep. However, this Khaira is notably different. She is dressed in what appears to be a noble’s outfit, and bears a notably paler complexion than the known Khaira.*
*In the past month, the well-known Khaira has not been seen often in Waterdeep. She has appeared in several odd places - making deals with less than savory types in Docks Ward, entering seedy taverns - but not nearly as often as she used to be seen about. Several people have speculated that she's either died or is dying; has contracted some manner of illness; is in the middle of a mental, magical battle with some powerful foe; or is conducting dangerous and powerful research within the confines of her house.*