Whispered Rumors

Another rumor but a far more common one of recent date...

*'Lady Luck' or the infamous Lady Frostburn (of the Waterdhavian new gentry) has been sighted in town again. It is rumoured that many gambling pits have outright denied the famously lucky gambler access...

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* A cobbler from the South Ward...others say the North Ward..found rubies within a rock on Mount Waterdeep during a leisurely hike. Could the mountain have more such gems?

*Local gamblers report having seen a bardess running around in a state of panic and confusion recently. A few grumble about interupted games and spilt chips by same said bardess*

* A man wanders the Ward, making targets of Those Who Harp. They are advised to be on their guards.

* The Gray Lady of Rosehold and Ardeep was recently sighted briefly in the city.

*A rumor has drifted that there's a murderer on the lose. One who's just barely an adolescent, and kills people the don't even know for the "fun" of it

*It's said that fireballs have appeared out of nowhere in the Rotunda and have been flung at people by thin air itself

* There is a large portion of the Fighting Pit that can no longer be teleported out of -- or so it's said. Most seem to think this will fade within the next few ten-days or so.

* It's whispered that the Fallen Harp may yet be raised...

*rumor has spread amungst the more... shadey elements of Waterdeep of a new constable, one of Tyr's own followers even and one who is said to be smiled on by the blind god of justice.*

*The Zhentarim may have established a steadfast presence within the city*

*Those Who Harp have been gathering and discussing with the City of Splendors... *

*A rumor circulates quietly among the common folk this day that drow now seem to be after a certain bardess*

*also grumbles and complaints of a pick pocket seem to be circlating out from the local gamblers. Some say this pick pocket is a young woman with silver hair, but none are sure*

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