D&D 5E Who Picks the Campaign? DMs, Players, and Choice


As long as i get to be the frog
Well, that's kind of what I thought you were doing - analogizing between campaign and character generation.

And, I think what I suggested still sort of holds - You have two basic routes - pick themes, and pick mechanic to match, or pick mechanics, and then restrict yourself to the themes those mechanics support.
I don't think I'm following you at all.

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Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
I don't think I'm following you at all.
I think @Umbran is saying that the decisions are kinda analogous. I think I more or less agree:

When one is choosing what one's character will be, one can choose starting from the theme--and then find mechanics to suit--or one can find mechanics that seem attractive for whatever reason--and then find a theme that meshes.

In a similar way, when one is looking at possible campaign ideas, one can look at possible campaign themes, then pair those up with game systems that support them; or one can start from a game system and then look for themes that seem consistent with its mechanics.


As long as i get to be the frog
I think @Umbran is saying that the decisions are kinda analogous. I think I more or less agree:

When one is choosing what one's character will be, one can choose starting from the theme--and then find mechanics to suit--or one can find mechanics that seem attractive for whatever reason--and then find a theme that meshes.

In a similar way, when one is looking at possible campaign ideas, one can look at possible campaign themes, then pair those up with game systems that support them; or one can start from a game system and then look for themes that seem consistent with its mechanics.
That makes sense!

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
You presented a DM polling their players as if it were the most horrific thing in existence--

Well, no. In order of the horror...

1. Bards.
2. Elves.
3. Root canals (without anesthetic).
4. That guy, in the office, who is always saying, "Hot enough for ya?"
5. DMs that are disinterested in the campaigns they are running.
6. Well liquor.
7. The knowledge that we are all alone in an uncaring universe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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