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Who wants to be a Wayfinder?


First Post
Okay, I've removed Midian's character sheet for now. I think most of the rest of what you've asked for is already in the thread, but I'll collect the links to make it a little easier to navigate.

His background I've already posted.

General views on Boromar (by way of philosophical back and forth, which is how I expect the two characters would interact IC, as well), Patruk (ideas on necromancy), and Johan are mentioned here. As to the others (those who have enough background to respond to), in short:

Tel Montayne clearly has a passionate heart. He's something of a polarizing figure, but Midian's used to people unwilling to compromise their principles; he's from a family of paladins, after all.

Glaw is nice enough, though hard to get a handle on. The only thing Midian really knows about the warforged is his near-obsession with the wood and its denizens. Given Midian's druidic slant, that gives them plenty to talk about, however, so he's never pressed much further.

Teivel ir'Torn reminds Midian of Johan with his carefree attitude, but without the obvious moral commitment Johan made by becoming a paladin. Midian likes but is wary of the chain-weilding swashbuckler.

Plonk Midian sees as a bright if dangerous being. Amusing from a distance, but with all those explosions, perhaps not the best person to stand right next to. His many "it looked good on paper" experiments tend to underscore Midian's philosophy that nature clearly has its limits.

Whisper has the draw of the enigmatic, to be sure. Her philosophy as embodied by her mask is also something he finds speaks to him; he only recently realized the paladin's mask he'd been trying to wear. At the same time, the air of secrecy that both the mask and the changeling behind it exude has Midian unsure of himself in her presence.

Vhir Leraek provides Midian with an alternate view of nature, one where spirits infuse all aspects of the world. Vhir's tribal background may have given him difficulty at the more "civilized" university, but Midian finds the man's dedication to his philosophies (and the power that dedication seems to grant) admirable.
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First Post
Prof Yeti, I am sorry to hear you won't be able to play =/ I hope RL lets up and you can join us later on.

Name: Vhir Leraek
Class: Spirit Shaman
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Deity: None

Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180lb
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Skin: Light

Appearance: Vhir is a tall, light skinned man with a short beard and close cut hair. His face is unremarkable but his piercing gaze and rich, deep voice give him a magnetic personality. He wears simple, rough spun clothes of greys and browns.


Born into a small tribe at the borders of the Talenta Plains, Vhir spent his days ranging far and wide to hunt up food to share with his fellows. His tribe holds to rigid traditions and taboos that ensure the community remains tightly knit and healthy. Their rites are many, including what can and cannot be eaten, where to bathe, what to hunt, and how to honor the spirits.

On a particularly long hunting trip, Vhir's food rations spoiled and became inedible. For days he searched but could not catch anything to eat. Hungry and desperate, he happened upon a fox hunting mice in a field. Though the fox was That Which Can Not Be Eaten, one of his tribe's taboos, Vhir killed it and had his first meal in several days. Feeling great shame for his crime, he buried the bones and fur and scattered the ashes of his fire over it so no animal would dig them up and expose his crime. That night his dreams were fitful as he relived the day through the eyes of the fox up to the moment when he was slain with his own arrow. Every night he dreamed the same dream. When he returned home, his tribe's spiritual leader noticed the change about him immediately. Taking Vhir aside she learned from him the truth. Vhir had broken the tribes laws and would be driven away if anyone knew. Having pity on his plight, she taught him over the course of a season how to speak to the spirit of the fox. When he had learned enough, she sent him away on a quest of atonement. Her instructions were vague, "Live for the Spirit", leaving him more than a little confused but resolute that he will find the meaning of her words and then complete his quest.

He traveled ever westward until coming to Fairhaven where he worked as a fisherman to afford entry to college. His strange, primative superstitions often make him the subject of ridicule. He is slow to anger and weathers their jabs calmly. He can often be seen wandering the halls alone speaking quietly to himself, or rather to his unseen spirit. He is sociable and speaks often to others to learn the traditions of their homeland.

His studies focused on the natural world, biology, botany, and wilderness survival. Many of his classes challenge his long held traditions taught by the tribe and he struggles to come to terms with the lessons presented him.

Glaw & Boromor - The two warforged students he has met and interacted with have presented him with an enigma. How do living constructs fit in with the natural world? Do they have souls? While they are a puzzle he still seeks to solve, he does find their respect of the natural world impressive and often have common ground in conversations.

Teivel - The dashing fancy fighter, Teivel, strikes a nerve with Vhir whenever he is around. Perhaps it is the way he can talk circles around Vhir or his rattling, noisome chain he fights with. Whatever the reason, he does not seek him out when he does not have to.

Patruk - Studies of the undead and negative energy have long distrubed Vhir. He believes that the necromactic powers drain not only abilities, but part of the spirit from both the victim and the user. He pities the undead, sensing the torment of the trapped spirits that animate the corpses long after they should have fled. Vhir avoids the courses on necromancy and views the students who join them with suspicion. Until Patruk's motives and uses of his power become more evident, he will watch him warily.

Tel & Midian - As masters of the wild, Vhir finds both students to be pleasent company. Long afternoons were spent discussing flora and fauna from their homelands. The best way to hunt a stag, pull a fish from a stream, and how to live with the land were popular subjects. He finds much in common with both of them and pays no heed to their ancestery.

Plonk - When Vhir first saw one of Plonk's clockwork contraptions, he was fascinated by the dozens of moving parts and whirring gizmos. Vhir likes to watch him assembling something new and explosive, from a safe distance. He thinks the gnome slightly unbalanced, and his views on industrialization are troubling, but creating something that moves without being truely alive like the warforged is fascinating to him.

Johan - The ways of a paladin are largely foriegn to Vhir. He finds the organization of a church odd but can draw a rough similarity to the function of a spiritual leader. Johan's drive to seek out evil and smite it is commendable but to Vhir evil is more than just ravenous monsters or schemes of men. It is also indifference or apathy towards all life. The cause of good is better than living in evil and a paladin is better to have around than not.

Whisper - Perhaps even more alien to him than the warforged is the changling sorceress, Whisper. Her exotic, ever changeable form reminds him of an animal changing its fur color to match the seasons. She constantly surprises him with the secrets she knows about everyone and everything. Her many questions of the spirit world reveal many new concepts he doesn't have an answer for, driving him to study more after every conversation.

Primus - Pending

John Semlak - Pending
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Mista Collins

First Post
Please email me your characters and their stats. You can send the email to collinsbd(at)gmail(dot)com

I want the character stat format to be like this:

Male Human, 1st Level Rogue
Deity: Olidammara
Medium Humanoid (Human)

Hit Dice: 1d6 (6 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+3 Dex, +2 armor), touch 13, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+1
Attack: +1 rapier (1d6+1) or +1 dagger (1d4+1) or +3 thrown dagger (1d4+1)
Full Attack: -1/-1 TWF either with 2 daggers or rapier and dagger.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +1d6
Special Qualities: Trapfinding, can use any skill as if he had ranks in it
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5, Will -1
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 14
Skills: Balance +7(4), Bluff +6(4), Climb +5(4), Diplomacy +6(4), Disable Device +7(4), Hide +7(4), Listen -1(0), Move Silently +8(4)*, Open Lock +7(4), Search +7(4), Sense Motive +3(4), Sleight of Hand +8(4)*, Spot -1(0), Tumble +7(4); *+1 bonus from silent shoes or fingerblades.
Feats: Jack of All Trades, Two-Weapon Fighting
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Owen is a 16 year old boy who stands at the height of 5'7" and weighs 147 lbs. He wears a green coat and brown slacks. Little wisps of his dark brown hair can be seen from under neath the green wide-brim hat that sits atop his head. His hazel eyes have a young innocent look to them.

Languages spoken: Common, Dwarven, Gnome, and Elven

Equipment: Traveler's outfit, leather Armor, rapier, 2 daggers, silent shoes, fingerblades, backpack, bedroll, thieves' tools, 3 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, ink (1 oz. vial), inkpen, hooded lantern, flask of oil, trail ration, signal whistle, full waterskin, and a map case with 5 sheets of parchment. Belt pouch containing 6gp, 3sp, 7cp. Total weight carried is 42lb.

In the email, have the subject line say something like "Eberron: Wayfinder" so that I know what it is dealing with.

Also in your email, put a code word and then post that code up here, so that I know the email is actually from you.

I will have the groups picked and posted after I get all those. If I do not receive all 12 by next Friday (August the 26th) I will find an alternate.

Any questions?


The man with the probe
You need them in Text or is PDF ok? (I have a nice PDF character sheet maker thing that creates them from an Excel file.) Also, is the information important or that format? I'm lazy, and don't want to reformat my current sheet :p


The man with the probe
Primus said:

Kala Moonsight; Beautiful Female Neutral Good Druidess of the Children of Winter.
Check out the Eleidean ranger for Alignment reqs for the druidic traditions (Or at least to advance as a ranger, so I would think that's close to how the druids think). Children of Winter are non-good.

Of course, since you're a beautiful female, you're all good with me :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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