Who's Playing What on Fantasy Grounds?

Fantasy Grounds has sent along its latest usage stat for 2016, showing which games folks are playing on its platform. As usual, 5E is out way ahead with a whopping 57% share, followed by Pathfinder. Then come Savage Worlds and D&D 3.5, followed by D&D 4E - essentially several versions of D&D, plus Savage Worlds hold the top five spots. Other notable contenders include FFG's Star Wars, Call of Cthulhu, Iron Kingdows, and Rolemaster Classic. In the below charts, "Core RPG" is Fantasy Ground's default core module which allows you to play a range of different games, rather than one of the specific packages.

Fantasy Grounds has sent along its latest usage stat for 2016, showing which games folks are playing on its platform. As usual, 5E is out way ahead with a whopping 57% share, followed by Pathfinder. Then come Savage Worlds and D&D 3.5, followed by D&D 4E - essentially several versions of D&D, plus Savage Worlds hold the top five spots. Other notable contenders include FFG's Star Wars, Call of Cthulhu, Iron Kingdows, and Rolemaster Classic. In the below charts, "Core RPG" is Fantasy Ground's default core module which allows you to play a range of different games, rather than one of the specific packages.

1D&D 5E180,492 (57%)
2Pathfinder39,499 (13%)
3D&D 3.520,555 (7%)
4Savage Worlds19,192 (6%)
5D&D 4E8,308 (3%)
6Star Wars (FFG)6,427 (2%)
7Call of Cthulhu5,016
8Iron Kingdoms4,040
9Rolemaster Classic2,999
11Warhammer 40K2,166
12Castles & Crusades1,960
15GURPS 4E1,677
16Fate Core1,529
17Mutants & Materminds925
18Basic Roleplaying825
20World of Darkness622
22Star Wars Saga534




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Would not have guessed that Rolemaster would be that high. That is one game I was always interested in but could never get my group to play.


That's a massive amount of games. I never would of expected that many being played

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Rolemaster gets played a bit because Fantasy Grounds takes care of a decent chunk of the book keeping and tables and stuff for this system making it run much faster. [MENTION=42841]JesterOC[/MENTION]

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