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I thought the most interesting things from that Demonomicon excerpt was that it mentioned obyriths and it seemed to preserve the Greyhawk backstory.


The mentioned getting tossed into an oubliette...which is a standing room only pit in dungeons.

Was that what you meant?


I thought the most interesting things from that Demonomicon excerpt was that it mentioned obyriths and it seemed to preserve the Greyhawk backstory.

I can't really see that as being the case. It's a different setting with an entirely different cosmology, different planes, different planar races, etc. An inclusion of the obyriths into the 4e material in some capacity doesn't mean it's preserving any backstory from 3.x or anytime else.

I'll take notice when they have the obyriths being created by the baernaloths in the Gray Waste, migrating to the Abyss, creating the tanar'ri and then engaging in a war with a race of LN outsiders who employ a yet-to-be-corrupted Asmodeus as a general for their forces. That's preserving some backstory.

Or better yet, when I see some guardinals and actual eladrin. ;)


I'll take notice when they have the obyriths being created by the baernaloths in the Gray Waste, migrating to the Abyss, creating the tanar'ri and then engaging in a war with a race of LN outsiders who employ a yet-to-be-corrupted Asmodeus as a general for their forces. That's preserving some backstory.
Nope, that would be yugoloth propaganda... :devil:

Voidrunner's Codex

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