No, of course not. I'm not that extreme. We're having a conversation. "Orwellian" might as well be the same as Godwinning the thread (and, to my shame, I'm the one who did that.

But, again, I disagree. A Phantom Menace absolutely DOES rewrite A New Hope. Our understanding of A New Hope is colored and altered by the elements revealed in A Phantom Menace - never minding the real questions that start popping up, like why doesn't Uncle Owen recognize C3PO? Or R2D2? Hell, why doesn't VADER recognize the droid he built AND NAMED? Phantom Menace brings out all sorts of questions and inconsistencies. As do all the prequels. Which, IMO, really does very clearly demonstrate how additive material alters the original.
And, to your second point about taking them (
@Dungeonosophy) at their word - I agree. They believe that they are not going to touch the text of Gaz 10. I know that they believe that. I believe that they are mistaken in that interpretation. Not that they are lying. They and you, quite obviously believe what you are saying. I'm just saying that I disagree with your interpretation. It has nothing to do with taking anyone "at their word". It's not a point of trust at all.
Again, you are taking a very antagonistic position. People who disagree with you are not saying you are lying. They are simply DISAGREEING with you. And you, repeatedly, over and over and over again, agressively telling people that no, their interpretation is wrong and that they MUST only use your interpretation is not going to get you anywhere. You should simply accept that other people can and will interpret what is there differently than you do and then try to work together to form some sort of common understanding. That might mean that you drop some points out of the petition, it might mean rewriting parts of the petition, it might mean that you might win people over to your point of view.
But, standing your ground, refusing to budge an inch and insisting that everyone must agree with you is not going to achieve anything. The reason you are getting such aggressive push back and negative responses is because you are the one who wants something. It's YOUR job to convince me that I should help you. It's not my job to do anything other than give my honest response. Repeatedly telling people that they are just wrong without actually accepting the fact that maybe, just maybe, they aren't, isn't how this works.
I guess at the end of the day, my advice is to pick your battles. What, in the petition, is absolutely key? Do people agree on the bits that you feel are absolutely key? Then drop the stuff that isn't key, stick with what you can and take the win. That's how you progress. Staking out a hill and then dying on that hill is just counter productive.