Why are D&D discussions so angry?

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big dummy said:
I'm not sure what you mean by veiled insults and all that (is that a veiled reference to me somehow?) but I am not faulting the moderators really. The moderators have to shut down debates which get out of hand, because they will just get worse and worse (RPG forums on usenet being an excellent example!!)
rec.games.frp.dnd is great!

It's just a shame it, like most USENET groups, isn't very populated. Of course, alt.games.whitewolf is even worse off.

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Slumbering in Tsar
People here are very passionate about the hobby.

With passion comes emotion that sometimes doesn't get tempered well in this medium.


But do any of you recognize the trend of even moderately proposed threads being attacked and derailed into fights of this sort because their subject is some kind of D&D reform?
I'm sure this may happen, but I don't have any specific example coming to my mind. I somehow dread to ask for specific examples, because that would look a lot like finger-pointing.

So can this happen? Sure. But on the other hand, how do you differenciate a constructive debate about one or the other aspect of D&D from a thread that just says 'my hat of d02 know no limit' ? That's the role of the original poster IMO. To write things intelligently enough so as to not present pure opinionated condemnations that would just spawn flamewars but invite fair discussion on the topic. And accepting that many people will not have the same opinion in return.

We are all part of the problem. The solution is not to point the finger at each other and accuse this or that one of wrong-doing, but to acknowledge that we all have our part in how ENWorld feels like in the end. We just need to each do our part and take our responsabilities.


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Crothian said:
I don't think people like it, but a few posters do enough to make people mad without crossing the line. As long as the agressive posters are allowed to do as they do, it will go on. So, report those posts you feel goes over the line and are rude.

Every board has it's cliques, ENWorld included. There's plenty of times I've seen board regulars push the line, and some publishers can jump the line whenever they feel like it. It's not a huge thing for me, just an accepted part of the internet.

I mean, I've had my post edited when defending my actions when I was called a troll, while the original statement calling me a troll was left intact. :)

Big Dummy, I doubt they're intentionally trying to dump the thread with flames, usually they're just so uptight and righteous that they consider it their duty to make sure everyone knows how wrong everyone but them is. :)


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big dummy said:
I'm not sure what you mean by veiled insults and all that (is that a veiled reference to me somehow?) but I am not faulting the moderators really. The moderators have to shut down debates which get out of hand, because they will just get worse and worse (RPG forums on usenet being an excellent example!!)

I just think that the system is being manipulated by some of the more aggressive posters. If thats what y'all like here, so be it. I've just noticed the pattern.


Speaking of which, perhaps it's not your intent, but when I read your posts your tone comes across as that of someone with a chip on their shoulder the size of a wedding cake. Prinicpally this is because you seem to state things which are a matter of perception and opinion as though they were facts as basic and obvious as 'things fall down' or 'the sun rises in the east'. It is tantamout to daring someone contradict you, and begins the conversation from an adversarial position. If you use some qualifiers in your opinions it softens the tone of the post and leaves more room for discussion, rather than arguement, or at least that's how I find it. Just my 2¢.

takasi said:
I just wanted to add that I think there should be a little more Forgotten Realms and Eberron material in Dungeon.
I Disagree :D ;)

big dummy said:
Why does a role playing game bring out such intense feelings of hostility?
Like many such things (politics/religion), people are very passionate about their gaming. If they believe their way is the "right" way of doing things, then they will criticize the near-sightedness of others who cannot see with their clarity. Who is right and who is wrong becomes a matter of affirming ones beliefs in a public forum. However, I really like Piratecat's perspective on the matter. This place is not really a public forum; it's Morrus's place where we are guests. I like it here! :D Morrus is a fantastic host.

big dummy said:
What is it about D&D that makes people to devote hours to willing to insult and ridicule complete strangers?
I think this just comes down to manners. However, I think it's worth mentioning a spectacular piece of recent moderation, that perhaps some could learn from. In a recent thread, a poster who had had their thread closed started up a new thread with the purpose of inflaming the board. It was an obvious piece of trolling which people called out as such. However, the moderator said the following:

Why don't we drop the discussion on whether or not this is a "troll".

Either speak to the premise and content of the OP (or some reasonable tangent it suggests) and leave the speculation and accusations out of this or don't post to it.

If the thread has merit it will continue, if it serves no purpose it will drop away soon enough.

This means everyone. Thanks.

(and thank you el-remmen).

And so the criticisms dropped away as did the thread. Not posting is better than posting something that will just heat up a thread. It's difficult when sometimes a poster can be so one-eyed, so inflammatory and so ridiculous in the sanctity of their opinions but in the end, I think el-remmen has pulled the right rein and shown the simple result that the civility of not saying anything actually works.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


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takasi said:
I just wanted to add that I think there should be a little more Forgotten Realms and Eberron material in Dungeon.

Now, this was funny. :) I hope it was meant to be!


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Odhanan said:
I guess you're talking about your review of Beyond Countless Doorways. See. That kind of remark is typically the kind of cheeky comment that spawns flamewars. You're not demonstrating anything smart by pouring oil on the fire, Turanil.
Who is pouring oil on the fire?! I didn't mention what review and where, so people wouldn't have bothered to google the Internet for it. But now that you've guessed this is that one... :p :p

big dummy said:
Why is it that any time any discussion about D&D comes up which could even remotely somehow be construed as some kind of criticism of D&D as-is, a select few of the forum regulars swoop down with such venomous, vicious spiteful attacks to shut it down?
Mmmmh... I don't know why, but I suddenly feel the urge of beginning a thread on the merits of a heavy houseruled version of C&C being better than a lite houseruled version of D&D 3.5, which is incidentally better than will be 4.0 anyway. :lol:
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Crothain hit upon the most important reason that discussions go south... "What people type is read as being rude... "

Alot of the inflamatory posts result from someone misreading a post and assuming something that is not.

The rest of the inflamatory posts come from when the two sides are arguing completely different points and no-one notices :)

But, lets take an example... the OP..that way we don't derail into other debates..

Your starting sentence
big dummy said:
Why is it that any time any discussion about D&D comes up which could even remotely somehow be construed as some kind of criticism of D&D as-is, a select few of the forum regulars swoop down with such venomous, vicious spiteful attacks to shut it down?

Check join date and post count of poster. The perception could easily be created that the poster has walked into the party, bumped into one non-freindly conversation, and decided to stereotype everyone at the party based on that one encounter.

Add to that potential perception a phrase that can appear to be a veiled insult to forum regulars

Result, about mid first page you have a mild flamewar with vieled insults on both sides of the discussion.

How can people avoid this.. well, it depends.
- If the flamewar is a fly-by poster who is just here to tweak you... ignore the poster and report them
- If the flamewar is someone actually attempting to debate, sit back and rethink your assumptions. Tactfully post a 'we are getting off track, lets recap what we are really talking about' and get about destroying the false perceptions and assumptions.

Both of these methods involve you, as the poster, taking a step back from your position to think that maybe your perceptions/assumptions are wrong.

Yes, EnWorld has some regulars that get a bit more, umm, aggressive and appear to get away with it. Why? More than likely because their posts were not reported. I know I have been involved in a couple threads that got over the line....waaay over the line :heh:
The thread did not get closed, nor did anyone get banned..but the thread also closed itself out with an agreement to disagree.

As DaveMage pointed out {while I was rereading this post for accuracy}, passion leads to emotional post content.

I do not beleive anyone is intentionally derailing a thread in order to get it killed. Its much easier to wait the couple hours it takes for the thread to drop off page one ;)

I do beleive that taking the time to rethink your position and being aware that other folks should be able to disagree with you will go a long way to mitigating the issue you see.

So, to wrap it up, the inital post tends to set the tone. Think before you type..and re-read before hitting submit. Understand that this is the internet, so keep your flame-retardant sleepwear on just in case.
Don't take it personal.... {If need be, use a screen name that reminds you of that.. a practice I think both of us ascribe to :) }


First Post
big dummy said:
Why is it that any time any discussion about D&D comes up which could even remotely somehow be construed as some kind of criticism of D&D as-is, a select few of the forum regulars swoop down with such venomous, vicious spiteful attacks to shut it down?
Because it seems to me ENworld Mods are more willing to close threads than to temporary ban / close accounts of those who willfully try to derail those threads. :\

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