D&D General Why Gnomes Are Awesome (+)

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those are not even the same cultural area of Europe past cold.
IIRC it's because in the early Cold War days, it was really hard to find Russian actors. So they went with the closest they could find, which was usually German or Nordic. The most classic example was a Swedish actor (can't find the name now) and it kinda stuck, much the way we think of "pirate accent" but it's really just Cornish because of one rather classic portrayal of Long John Silver.


We don't call our fur babies "minions," you heartless monster.
I have been Whizbanged.


Honestly, I think the '24 Gnomes are in a good position. Forest Gnomes are the wee folk of the wood who speak with the animals and produce glamours, and Rock Gnomes are genii loci who can magically repair, clean, and tidy up about the homestead.

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