Why I'm not boycotting the movie, video games, comic books or novels over the OGL scandal, just D&DB & hardcovers.

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As of right now, unless I missed something the OGL 1.0a is still authorized. WotC has started walking back on a lot of things, let's see if they continue to do so.

As far as the movie, I plan to see it. I plan to see it because I want good D&D movies. This one shows promise. I understand people's feelings towards it all but I've been waiting a long time for a good D&D movie.
The problem is, it's things like the D&D movie, more than the forthcoming release of the next edition, that are spurring the current attempted changes. With D&D growing into a true entertainment brand, this is how Hasbro / WotC intend to protect that brand.

If we can't have the movies and the TV shows and the merchandising without them resorting to these business practices, maybe we were better off without them.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I'm gonna watch it because I want to watch it. I'm not even the metric corpos use to see if a movie does well. I endured all the other D&D movies, and now that it's at least pretty, I'm not supposed to do it?

If I can be dragged to see sexy tall smurfs surfing the waves of Pandora, I can certainly justify watching this!


Chaotic Looseleaf
I can't help but feel like you've got this backward. Wizards Corporate has got to be watching the growth of their multimedia empire way more closely than they are watching the books. D&D Beyond has an inflated presence on the balance sheets because they just spent All The Money on it and expect it to return that investment, but -- and reasonable minds could disagree -- I would not expect a physical book boycott to even register with them. At the very least, not until oneD&D launches.

Why I continue to support D&D's multimedia efforts.

1. Chris Pine is dreamy.

2. There is no two.
Honestly, I have hopes for this film for one reason. Years ago, I went into Star Trek expecting to be annoyed and disappointed, and then I got to the series of scenes early on where McCoy vaccinates Kirk against something alien and virulent and Kirk develops a severe allergic reaction.

Laughed my ass off. I still sit a bit lopsided. Nearly made up for the rest of the script. Karl Urban's contribution to that bit can't be overstated, but Pine sells it.

Don't mistake me -- I know exactly what that was, and why it happened so early in the movie. It's not so much anything more than Urban and Pine doing their best Kelley and Shatner impressions. But I gave up on Hollywood a long time ago. That is all I want from this movie, for it to be honest with the source material and slapstick funny (and not at the expense of dwarves). I have zero interest in the idea of a D&D drama.

To contradict the words of the inestimable Damodar, "This is absolutely a game."


CR 1/8
1.0a is NOT revoked and 2.0 is already dead, 2.0 had royalties still, whatever comes next, if anything, won't. It's why 2.0, along with 1.1 was never released.

Yes, they said they'll remove some odious conditions from the new OGL, but they were silent on other big questions. They absolutely have not killed it off entirely, as they indicated in their announcement a couple days ago:

A couple of last thoughts. First, we won’t be able to release the new OGL today, because we need to make sure we get it right, but it is coming.

"It is coming." And so it's still possible that there will be bad news, including the status of future OGL1.0 materials, which was one of the things they were silent on and that happens to be important to me.

The problem is, it's things like the D&D movie, more than the forthcoming release of the next edition, that are spurring the current attempted changes. With D&D growing into a true entertainment brand, this is how Hasbro / WotC intend to protect that brand.

If we can't have the movies and the TV shows and the merchandising without them resorting to these business practices, maybe we were better off without them.

I disagree, the Forgotten Realms has never been covered by the OGL, same with Eberron, DL, Ravenloft, Exandria, Spelljammer, Planescape, Theros, or Ravnica, even stuff like Radiant Citadel isn't, so Paramount doesn't care about the OGL, neither does Larian Studios, the new OGL is entirely about One D&D and D&D Beyond for different reasons. This was never about the multimedia empire, all the stuff draws from actual settings, it's not impacted by OGL at all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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