It just doesn't make a lot of sense when viewed from the perspective of level 16 characters. Suddenly it's now full of weaklings, and the only real threats are either vanishingly rare, or live in Hell, where you could arguably just let them be.
I would disagree, giants are tribal creatures and a warband of a couple dozen stone, frost or fire giants can easily threaten level 16 PCs, who IME probably only have ACs in the 20-24 range. AC 25 is pretty maxed-out defence since +3 armour & shield are Legendary & vanishingly rare. Stone & Frost giants throwing rocks at +9 hit AC 25
on a 16 for 25 damage. In the open where they can focus fire they can take down most PCs in 1
round: 24 attacks, average 6 hits & 150 damage even with no crits. A Raging Barb-16 can shrug
that off but a lot of PCs will be pancaked.